
General Ironicus

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If you could play a tabletop RPG with any 3-4 famous peoples, who would you want to play with and what game would you play?

Emma Stone, Miles Teller, and Janelle Monae in a game of their choosing. I am a gracious host.
Liked by: Chr0nite Sheepy Booky

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I was just listening to the podcast and your discussion about "stealth learning" through games reminded me of this excellent talk on the subject that I thought might interest you, if you have the time: https://vimeo.com/113714091 To ask something, any favorite examples of games teaching how to play?

That guy should have done the podcast instead of us. Thanks for the link, nice find.
An example that he could have had in his video was how Portal teaches you everything except the movement controls: by the game doing it first. There's a video out there of someone explaining it far better than I, but I can't remember what it was called or who made it right now. Basically, the game shows you the portal gun working on its own in that first puzzle, and you see how it connects different parts of the room. Everything you need to know starts there, and is built up in the same way. Automatic demonstration, then simple interaction, then puzzles you actually have to think about.

A man said to me that he hadn't been to the toilet for 2 years. Reckon he's full of shit.

I reckon he has a really smelly spot in the yard.
Liked by: Booky

"Desert Island Discs" time. Your to be cast away on a desert island What eight pieces of music, book and luxury item would you take? Your also given a complementary "Complete Works of Shakespeare".

Rescue sirens on tape, survival guides, and the world's most luxurious signal flares.

I only caught the first three episodes of the latest season of Doctor Who, then kinda lost my enthusiasm. Is the rest of season 8 good or should I just watch seasons 1-4 again and again?

King Christmas
I say season 8 is the best year of the new series. What you watch is your business.

Can we get an estimation on when the next Chipod Ironicast will be out?

It was recorded about two weeks ago so I'm as anxious as you.
Liked by: Booky

Did you ever play/DM the Tomb of Horrors? Any D&D fan worth their salt has got to try out the game's deadliest dungeon!

Seems to me there are more rewarding things to be than a D&D fan in that case.

Favorite classic Doctor Who writer?

Bob Holmes, greatest of all time. Then Malcolm Hulke, Terrence Dicks, Kit Pedler, Bob Baker and Dave Martin, David Whitaker, and eventually you get to Pip and Jane Baker at the very bottom. Gosh they're horrible.

Favorite TV show that's currently running or just finished recently?

FRINGE ended in 2013. That's recent enough, right?

"Gladly." Is a valid response to "Thank you very much", correct?

Glibbyblurt’s Profile PhotoN
Only if you have a hat to tip and your spats are properly maintained.
Liked by: Booky

A while ago I remember you mentioning a podcast that you listen to that talked about subjects like Aleister Crowley and things like that. Can you tell me what the name of that podcast was?

I can think of two that might have been. Blurry Photos is a pair of guys named Dave talking about a new cryptid, mystic, conspiracy, etc. every week behind a thick screen of inside jokes: http://www.blurryphotos.org/
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff is pretty accurately named; specifically it's game designers/writers Ken Hite and Robin D Laws. They cover a wide range of rotating topics including the Consulting Occultist segment where Ken covers the life and impact of a notable occult practitioner. http://www.kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com/
They've both done Crowley episodes, so I don't know.


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