
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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Wait, I didn't hear about this: A frog character CLASS? Not RACE?

It's the weekend, don't expect me to be accurate. Here's the actual blurb:
"This installment includes five froggish monsters with four racial abilities to choose from, thirteen reasons to be paranoid, toadstone treasures, five icon-related frogfolk temples, and race stats and special abilities for playing a frogfolk adventurer."
Liked by: Booky

Hey, Gen I, as a frequent player of the TRPGS and a good guy GM (from what I remember), how do you feel when you see antagonist GMing types?

I hope their group is into that sort of thing. I believe cooperation is the key to having a good time. There's a lot of stories of GMs finding their fun in making the world an inescapable meat grinder whether the players like it or not which sounds entirely unenjoyable to me. There's nothing wrong with being as antagonistic as your heart desires in-game if everyone is on the same page, but out of character the GM should always be a helper.

Hey, Gen I, you getting a sub to 13A monthly?

Dragon Riding shows that the product has a lot of thought and character in it, as we've come to expect from 13TW, the Bestiary, and Eyes of the Stone Thief; and the second installment will have rules for a frog character class, so probably.

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How much of LP13A's campaign story came from the characters' OUTs? Like was there going to be a Key on the moon before Medibot decided that Mint had been there?

Anything that deals directly with a character's personal history or unique attributes would not have happened without that character. The moon is part of that. All I really had to start with was the secrets about most of the icons, a macguffin shopping list, and the (as yet unrevealed) origin of the Dragonspawn. Everything else came from one source of inspiration or another, and tying things directly to the PCs is the biggest source I draw from.

General Ironicus, you keep releasing Bonus Feats. Now, you are a human, so you do get 1, but you've released more than one. Please, don't tell me, are you...are you...a Fighter? Did you make such a horrid life choice? Oh God, you did, didn't you!? My condolences.

I'm a lover, not a fighter. Unfortunately this means all my bonus feats must come from the BoEF.

In honor of the upcoming Watch_Dogs LP, will you change your twitter icon to caricature of you dressed as Aiden Pierce?

I can't be Aiden Pierce, I have more than one outfit.
Liked by: Booky

what's your favorite fictional alien species, character design-wise?

I honestly think the Daleks are an incredible design. They're versatile enough to be Deco, heavy, fab, and plenty of other looks while still remaining recognizable. The 2005 update shows how robust it is with how a few slight changes give it a chunky, industrial look. The Rememberance repaints, despite the poor condition of the suits, sold the idea of their technology being something beyond metal and rivets. Their look in their debut story worked so well because it fit so naturally in the set design of their environment. Of course, that's not an alien any more than Iron Man's suits are people. The Xenomorph is clearly the best alien, that's why the movies are just called 'Alien'.
Any design that shows relateable, functional anatomy while remaining unfamiliar is great. Star Trek aliens are boring as shit.

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Liked by: Booky

During Anime Theater, did you guys consider doing anything made by Hiroyuki Imaishi (Kill La Kill/Panty and Stocking/Gurren Lagann)? Pretty much all of it is very intentionally over the top and fun to watch and react to - Were you just looking for more genuinely stupid stuff?

The point was to watch bad, stupid, and otherwise mockable things, and to keep it unlicensed to avoid getting into trouble. Very famous, successful, and beloved things don't really fit that.
Liked by: Sev Chr0nite

Why do you hate on Shirogane so much? He's the reason the Wonderful 100 has all these cool gadgets and super powers. Also, why do you love P-Star so much? He's only useful in one level and the rest of the time he just repeats information already apparent to everyone's annoyance.

P-Star is cute. I am also cute. We stick together.

Why does Eliza go back to Higgins, though? He's just a crap dude! He sucks!

He totally sucks, Freddy sucks, Pickering is sexless. She should have stayed friends with all of them and found basically anyone else to have a relationship with.

What are some musicals like The Drowsy Chaperone?

A fun one that operates on different levels is City of Angels. It's the story of a detective novelist learning the film business as he adapts one of his stories for film. Half the play is him trying to figure out Hollywood and his failing marriage, while the other half is the noir movie they're working on. Everyone plays a dual role except him and his detective character. Here's the end of Act 1 where in their frustration with each other and their lives the writer and character throw down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3xSH667_QkGenIronicus’s Video 123522144072 c3xSH667_QkGenIronicus’s Video 123522144072 c3xSH667_Qk

One time while texting I misspelled "nap time" as "fap time" in a conversation with my grandmother.

Grandmothers are wise enough to understand typos. They've been writing longer than you have.
Liked by: Booky

How would you improve future GDQ events?

A lot of people laugh at the tonal dissonance the show has, but I think that's the best way to beef up the entertainment. I want the reader to share heartbreaking stories of cancer battles while the runner is dressed as Chuck E Cheese (modern version, w/walkman). I want a rule that people on the couch can only talk about the game, but with donation incentives that they can only speak in tune with the game music. You can't flatten it out without losing something, so just go big and mine it.

Help me Ironicus, I'm stuck in a swimming pool and six buff dudes are patrolling the perimeter! I'm typing this on my water-proof smartphone and I don't think they've seen me yet! Treading water is hard!

Time for some volleyball.
Liked by: Booky

Have you listened to the MDC podcast about AGDQ? If so, do you agree with their sentiment that they should make the GDQ streams a little bit more about being fun to watch than being dry, humorless, and all about the games they have run for years?

I haven't, but yeah I can get behind that. There was some real dry shit in there.
Liked by: Booky


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