
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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How many times have you seen Paprika now? Alternatively, how many times do you think it would take to see everything?

Just the once.

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You are 15 answers away from 3000 answers. How does this statistic make you feel? Does it fill you with existential dread?

The question I must ask myself, is am I going to be like Andre 3000, or like the failed Bernie Mac vehicle Mr 3000...

Are you an engineer/computer scientist? You kind of look like one. As in, you literally are the spitting image of my computer engineer friend. It's honestly scary.

I have no marketable skills.

Someone whose art I admire is kickstarting a book. However the book has nothing to do with her art, instead it's about her Libertarian/quantum mysticism worldview. I disagree entirely with her kooky philosophy but I still want to see her succeed in her endeavors. Do you think I should back her book?

She'll be fine with it either way. Both because the market is deciding, and because there's an adjacent parallel universe where you made the opposite decision. It all works out.

What's your reason for moving away from the "General" part of your internet name? Has your military rank been holding you back? Just time to change it up?

Ironicus is embarrassing enough to say out loud on its own. It doesn't need the help.

Be honest, just how much fun do you have doing Cootsen's voice?

I need to do more voice. It always slips away in the moment.

Do questions/requests about the next LPs annoy you at all, or are just kinda over it? How seriously do you consider them when they're not about MGS5?

On a good day it reminds me that people come to us from a wide variety of places and connect through an array of networks. on a bad day I want to tear my hair out because why can't you just pay attention.
Liked by: Booky

"Everything I do is with Ironicus." Wait, so you do everything with your internet handle? Man, that's got to be awkward on a job interview.

What I mean is we're conjoined twins. Ironicus does the LPs and tweets, Grant does most other things.
Liked by: Booky Rurfs

As someone from Chicago, how windy is the windy city?

With enough scarves and layers you won't notice. You'll also look like the little brother from A Christmas Story.

What episode of One Shot did you guest star in?

I was on twice! The first was Police Cops, and the second was Dracula Dossier, for a total of six full episodes.


Language: English