
General Ironicus

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A lot of lonely, cynical people like to go "love is a drug, you sheeple. You're addicts!, losers." In reality, a lot of evidence suggests we get addicted because we lack love or real connections in our lives. That love isn't a drug, drugs are a poor substitute for love. Agree or Disagree?

cont. "As a follow-up to my previous question, this evidence I refer to is that some studies on addictions have been repeated such as the rat in a cage experiment and the hospital experiment. When allowed to be social, the chance of addiction goes down by a lot. "
First caveat: human society and culture are not replicated by rats
Otherwise, that's some really interesting stuff and I wish you'd shared links to read. To be fair, those people are probably referring to the fact that love triggers seratonin and other bits of brain chemistry similar to drug reactions. Scientifically accurate or no, I think we can agree people denying the whole concept of positive relationships aren't really who we should be taking advice from.

Have you heard of this article that I am now putting in your ask.fm because you said so on Twitter?

When 42 is your best try so far it doesn't inspire confidence. That's all I'm saying.
Liked by: Booky

Why do people like things that I don't? Why doesn't everyone just agree with me? Aren't my thoughts the only ones that matter!?

Let me call up Rick Moranis real quick because I just found that Gatekeeper he keeps looking for.

so me and my friends are trying to get into tabletop games, what do u think is a nice, accessible, starting game for a group of beginners and one experienced fellow?

The real question is how good the experienced fellow is at teaching. Someone who can read the room, knows their group, and is willing to teach things one step at a time, can turn any game into a good starting game.
Otherwise! One page games like Lasers and Feelings are great for a laugh and as unintimidating as can be (and often free!). Goofy games like Goblin Quest are guaranteed to make a good time, and GQ has plenty of structure baked in so the humor works, and you aren't looking for what comes next. The current Star Wars RPGs have beginner's boxes with premade adventures where every room introduces a new mechanic, one at a time. By the end of the night you know how to play the whole game! It's a great concept, and everyone is probably familiar enough with Star Wars to feel comfortable in the world. Your experienced fellow has likely played a d20 game, and the best, simplest way to use those skills is to play The 13th Age.

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Liked by: ✿ waif hipster

hey! a while ago you were talking about the until dawn videos some of your friends were making on twitter, i started watching it and loved it but unfortunately i forgot who they were, can u link me to them again?

They also moved their improv podcast to that site from their old network, and have written a number of articles.
Liked by: ✿ waif hipster

One time I was jerking it to a video of a guy masturbating. Then I realized that I was getting off to a guy doing what I was doing right now and things got all existential up in here. Did you ever have similarly trippy moments when watching porn?

Ladies and gentlemen: The least sneaky way to collect background info for your fanfics.

Hello I have crippling social anxiety, am not funny, and fear public presenting. Can I be on Six Feats Under?

The standard audition process is to play the episode and speak as if you're in the conversation, then send a recording of that to us and we'll judge your fit. Ultimately, the decision lies with the Council of Druids. We only have an advisory role in the process.

Took your advice. Kicked him from the game. Then, ended up canceling the whole thing because another player started talking misogyny. Holy hell, that was a toxic play group.

That sucks! I'm so sorry. It shouldn't be so hard to get 4-7 people in a room to play pretend and not be terrible.

What tabletop game do you feel is the best for telling a long form story, in either setting or mechanics?

Some Tough Beans
Well, it's right in the name of DramaSystem. That has to count for something.
Liked by: Yon


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