
General Ironicus

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How come there's so many improv comedians from Chicago with podcasts ( NOT THAT IM COMPLAINING AT ALL )

It's the place people go to learn improv. I blame Del Close.

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Yo I just wanted to say that Dracula Dossier podcast was super mega cool and I totally put down money on the kickstarter because of that

I'm glad you liked it! There was talk that night of meeting again for further adventures in Belgrade but I don't think it's going to happen. I do know James and I will be guesting on one-another's shows again sometime.

have you ever seen chicago when the lights go down low and the booty starts thumpin? the booty comes, good sir. The booty comes. The booty will not be restrained any longer. Prepare for booty.

Welcome... to Night Booty.

I guess what makes me question whether pewdiepie would be successful on patreon is how when retsupurae mocked him, there weren't that many dislikes on the video, and a dislike is pretty dang cheap.

pslut her
The audience for Adults React... was Retsupurae viewers. A Pewdiepie patreon announcement video would reach a lot more of his fans.

Congrats on the patreon success! Makes it seem like patreon is a much better model for high-effort LPs, which I think makes a lot of sense. Do you think someone like pewdiepie would be successful on patreon?

pslut her
Phenomenally successful. Millions of subscribers means millions of potential donors. I'd like to think our viewers are more likely to pledge but that's just pride, and 10% of our fans are nothing compared to 0.1% of his.
Liked by: ThatPazuzu

Clay Aiken's running for office in North Carolina. Does Chicago/Illinois have any really embarrassing has-beens clawing for votes?

Bob Dold. Heyooooo

That's all true, but the amount of people actually watching the LP (less than half of the people to whom it's available) make me think that, at best, it changed (either higher or lower) the amount people who were already going to patronize were going to give

Keith J Carberry
From a sample size of one, we can infer that having patron-only content will encourage patrons to increase their pledge amounts, but they aren't likely to pay attention to the content they pledged for. Most people pledging for 6FU (below the $35 tier at least) don't claim their backer prizes either.
Anyone reading this looking to make a patreon of their own should keep that in mind when they plan I guess, especially if other people's numbers line up the same way.

Hey man! About 80% of our patrons are subbed at the patron LP level, but I think the idea that they subbed FOR the LP is unclear. Frankly I dont think it was a motivating factor. I could give or take it as an idea, in hindsight, but it felt (feels?) like a fitting reward for how thankful we are

Keith J Carberry
If everyone at the patron LP level had pledged at the next most popular tier instead, you'd be at $821/mo. If none of them pledged at all it would bring the total to $545/mo. That seems like it was pretty motivating, especially when the next most popular tier also has access to backer-only content.

Just wanted to thank Mr. Ironicus for introducing me to the Blurry Photos Podcast (and of course for the excellent LPs throughout the years. I also wanted to thank Herr Ironicus for being one of the more informative guests on Blastropodcast (which I actually only found out about through Blurry Photo

I'll pass that along to him.

My reason for believing it could make a big difference is just that Run Button's patreon did so well - they are getting about 1300 per month, though that is admittedly as anecdotal as it gets. Maybe someone will gather some real statistics at some point.

pslut her
Maybe, and even then it's a question of how many of them made the decision based on getting access to the patron-only videos.
Hey Kieth, how many of your backers made their decision based on getting access to the patron-only videos?

I understand the qualms about charging people for stuff, but is it perhaps worth if it is only limited to some of the content and gives you the ability to produce more for everybody in the long run? I guess I feel like this is kind of a complicated thing and not just a shitty bad thing to do.

pslut her
I want to make things for everyone to enjoy, and making things for only a few people to enjoy isn't the same thing. Maybe if there were compelling evidence that making a patron-only series made an exceptional difference to the fundraising total, but I'm not convinced.

How do you feel about patreon-only LPs?

pslut her
I think that's pretty shitty because I wouldn't appreciate it as a fan. You'll notice we don't do that over at http://www.patreon.com/feats
There are a million reasons why I would want to enjoy someone's content but not be able/willing to pay a monthly or per-project fee for it. Six Feats Under's patrons get bonus ancillary content, and every once in a while an advance look at something that everyone will see, but we don't want to make the overwhelming majority of our listeners into second-class fans. And what's the point of putting all the work into an LP only to hide it from people?
Liked by: Quinn Wright Sev

Do you have any odd/reprehensive feelings towards the new Patreon or are you pretty much okay with it?

We talked about it during either the C2E2 panel, or the wrapup podcast where we covered a few extra topics that got cut for time. I'm pretty sure it was the podcast. My feeling then was that supporting yourself by maximizing ad revenue leads to a homogenizing race to the bottom and is one of the reasons keeping big channels bland and smaller channels eager to copy them. Being supported by a small, dedicated pool of fans gives you the freedom to experiment because they aren't going anywhere and they like what you're bringing. It could even encourage diversity and variety as patron-supported channels emphasize their differences to fully exploit their niche audiences.
And I'm really hoping the goal is met for the chip-and-ironicast. I'm already brainstorming segments.
Liked by: Booky Geop


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