
General Ironicus

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Why do so many people find vampires erotic? I don't get what makes them more appealing than any other kind of supernatural monster. Twilight was more about a wish-fulfillment brooding guy with a dark past, but that really isn't exclusive to vampires.

Because they're sex monsters.The whole thing is about seducing people away from proper, moral society and sealing it with an intimate exchange of fluids.

Was watching the Suckerpunk alcohollywood episode. I didn't hear your take on the female power fantasy. What do you think that would be?

I remember bringing that up, but not the point I was trying to make. It was a long time ago, and that night ended with a lot of vomiting. I don't know what a female power fantasy would be exactly because I've never had one, but here's a perspective from someone who did have to think about it for a job: http://halfabubble.tumblr.com/post/93006558108/what-were-your-inspirations-especially-since
Also, I really hate people using gifsets as quotes. It's stupid and bad. Just give me the words or a youtube clip.

Hey, I know you've probably been asked this, but what was your whole setup for the dungeon world retsutalk? An internet group I'm in is trying to get an online rpg thing going and yours seemed to be the easiest for pick-up games.

We used roll20.net for that game, but it was pretty unnecessary. For the second session we set it up and then never actually moved the pogs.

Thank you! Sorry to be so snippy about it. I just wanted to see where the story ended up. Banananaramawitz is a fun character, for the record!

Did you know the old LPDND TvTropes page has been updated more often and more recently than the LP13A one, despite not being played in a year and a half? I don't get it sometimes.

I meant the old campaign, I was in the middle of it and it just disappeared. I was trying to work my way up to modern day.

Okay fine, here's an archive made from people's downloads back when things started getting screwy: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/le9hxgut78kyp8s/AADLmLturSupt2X5nZy_-C6ea?dl=0
It's like a million hours of stuff and I'm really excited and interested in what we're doing now, so you'll have to excuse me when I take the opportunity to hurry people along to share that stuff with us instead.

So, what were your thoughts on Her?

It's really great. Like I said on Twitter, I was surprised at how funny it was. I knew to expect a warm romance and a sci-fi story about AI personhood, but not how funny it is. There's a phone sex scene where someone wants to be choked with a dead cat and it's hysterical. The future's going to be great if video games have foulmouthed asshole children and a mom simulator where you get bonus PERFECT MOM POINTS for cutting off other moms in traffic. Unfortunately, they probably had to take out the fridge-humping easter egg from the beta.
Liked by: INCORPERATED Drakkel

Now that the LP D&D 5e has turned into LP D&D 3.5 and, therefore, is no longer associated with an edition that supports bigotry (quite the opposite, actually, if you read Monte Cooke's blog on 3e's development), can we expect a cameo?

I like that our two campaigns aren't a total overlap, get some variety in there. Also I don't know if it would even fit into my schedule. I have no idea how Ikks does it all.
Liked by: Booky

What did you think of last week's Doctor Who?

If you mean Time Heist I thought it was very strong. The pre-titles sequence was brilliant and hit the GO STEAL SHIT button perfectly. Nothing is cooler than a heist. It also makes for a very satisfying conclusion to the theme of the Doctor facing himself in every episode so far. It's a nice little moment where he expects everyone to know how much he hates himself, but by knowing himself works out how the rest of the plan is supposed to go even without remembering when he made it.
If you mean Listen, it belongs among GOAT contenders with The War Games, Caves of Androzani, and all the rest. God it was brilliant.
Liked by: CaptLinebeckSA


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