
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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If you were a Mad Bull baby-cop IRL who would your arch-nemesis be?

The man who killed my father. Those guys are always after the man that killed their father.

Have you started reading The Multiversity? It's Grant Morrison's love letter to all manner of comic stories.

Haunted comic books

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Hey, as a fellow Doctor Who fan, what did you think of the premiere and, so far, Peter Capaldi's doctor?

Covok’s Profile PhotoCovok
I think the premiere was very strong for reasons touched on in this answer: http://ask.fm/GenIronicus/answer/117170366024
So here's some more thoughts. I love that Jenny and Vastra are treated like real people with backgrounds, hobbies, and arguments. Real improvement there. Vastra's popsych veil scene was irritating and poorly done, but nothing's perfect. Also the kiss that I heard got people up in arms was terrible. The affectionate moment was couched in a functional bit of mouth-to-mouth. That's not a kiss unless we count paramedics as the world's biggest players. It seems like such a backslide since Captain Jack planted a fat wet one on the Doctor nine years ago. Give me more of that. Still, it got censored overseas so it must mean something to someone.
The tension and threat felt very tacked on to check a box, but I didn't mind because it made space for a character drama about people meeting new sides of old friends, reacting to one another and to how they see themselves. This is also entirely my shit and I'm willing to wait for the sword fight to finish to get the next part of it.
Now I'm not sure about the ending stinger (was it the very end? I forget). A mysterious figure collecting the Doctor's sacrifices in Heaven for an unknown purpose, probably to be used against him? I am very down with that. A coy woman that wants to flirt with and kill the hero? I've seen that way too many times to be interested. I was sick of her before her second line, I'm so over that.

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Which Doctor do you think had the best regeneration episode?

Troughton, Davison, and Eccleston had the best stories ending in a regeneration, and also the best regeneration scenes. Pertwee and Smith had very good final stories with not very good regeneration scenes. Pertwee and Smith had the best (surviving) first stories. Honorable mentions for C Baker being the worst in every above category, and McGann for being such a weird case in every above category.

Seeing Wonder Green lying on the ground smiling is just so adorable!

When Wonder Green lies on his back it's probably like flipping a turtle on its shell.
Liked by: Booky

Ever been tempted to try FATAL, like when incredibly drunk or something?

The only way to play FATAL is messing around with the character generator a little for a laugh, then moving on and never looking back.

World you rather have the world's strongest punch (a very alcoholic drink) or the world's strongest punch (you can hit things very hard)?

The second. Alcohol can only be so strong, that's just chemistry. Boundless strength seems like a good deal.
Liked by: Booky FishMissile

So what do you think of Peter Capaldi as The Doctor so far?

SorataYuy’s Profile PhotoMichael Elliott
He's a man desperate to find where his limits are, and terrified of where he'll find them. That's a great tension and I love it and how it informs the rest of his performance, it's a concern never far from his mind. I've also enjoyed how in two episodes he's faced three versions of himself (the lonely dinosaur, the man of many faces on a long journey, and the exterminator who considers itself 'good') but expect that to dial as his characterization stands on its own before it gets too trite. Another great way they've made his mysteriousness land is by defining characters around him instead of the Doctor himself. Clara, Vastra, and Jenny really benefited from some needed attention and he got the benefit of the contrast.
So now that I've had a good time watching the two latest episodes, I'll be at Six Flags during tomorrow's.

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I enjoyed your Lego Star Wars LP though. Would you not even consider it if it's a game you love but Chip doesn't know much about?

I loved it too. The real problem is me not having the ability to record. If I was half as good on the technical side as he is, or we lived near one another again, you'd see a lot more variety in our approach.
Liked by: Booky

Any games you hope to take the reigns on LPing with you and Chip, like you did with Lego Star Wars?

I think the people who come to chipandironicus.com expecting fun-to-watch gameplay would start a revolt.
Liked by: Booky

If you're still a gamer, then you're part of the problem.

I'd agree if you were talking about the identity, but I responded to a question about the word. The real reason I'm part of the problem is that I wait on the sidelines until I can crack wise about it instead of taking positive action to improve things. Somehow this still gets toxic idiots riled up so at least that's something.


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