
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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5 days ago, you got a similar question about burning books directed towards you. COINCIDENCE?!?!?!?

I think we found the identity of the anonymous asker.
Liked by: Booky

So, what are your thoughts about the 4th Edition book-burning party?

How fucking childish can a person be. If you read the guy's further comments, the answer will certainly surprise you.
Liked by: Dani Booky

I'm going to make a Kickstarter for a Kickstarter knockoff. Give me your money.

Sometimes I wonder about the successful delivery rate of that porn crowdfunding site and how it compares to Kickstarter and the rest.
Liked by: Booky

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So what parts of 13th age DON'T you like and think are bad?

I wish there were a simple caster class, every class got a narrative feature option, and the simple classes we have had access to greater complexity as they go on. Like I can understand having effective classes for a beginner who wants to smash things, but are they still a beginner at level 6? What if they want to shoot magic bolts instead?

Since you're Internet friends with the Gun Show Comic dude KC Green, did you have any hand in the creation of his Piss World strip?

Liked by: Leo Veenstra

If you could set fire to one DnD book, from any edition and any subset (prefab adventures, splatbooks, core rules, etc), which would it be? Personally I'd set fire to 3.5e's Monster Manual 4.

Whichever one was printed on birch bark.

Do you know of a good way to tell Wizards we don't want those two guys to be a part of DnD, express our dissatisfaction?

I honestly don't know. Making a publicly visible complaint via their social media is always a first reaction. I do know the internal investigation is now being handled by a corporate employee rather than the designer who hired the consultants in the first place (yes really, what the fuck).
Liked by: Booky

So, you talked with Zak S on the twitter. Are you going to accept the cliche shonen plot he threw at you and do an RPG tournament to decide who is morally right? (I can't believe he said that)

I don't think I did. That would imply communication actually took place.
And yes my life is an anime.

Did you always dislike South Park and its creators? Was there an incident or camel-breaking straw which made you throw up your hands and go "fuck this shit I'm done?"

I have nothing against the creators themselves and Book of Mormon has shows that with time and skilled collaborators they can make great stuff. South Park pretty much blows. I don't know if its the grind of their itty-bitty production window or just that it's been on too long, but it does.


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