
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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What was it like, doing commentary for the W101 LP in front of a live audience?

It was a lot of fun and I'd do it again. I wasn't sure how well miced the crowd was so I tried not to involve them much. Maybe if it ever happens again we'll be sure to have them all wired up, but it was so much work on poor Kamoc to do all the tech as it was. I'm happy with the result and I think it got a lot of people excited for the LP, even the people who wandered in and didn't know Chip and I before that day.
Liked by: Booky

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The tabletop grapevine says that you're going to be in a game of Inverse World with one of the creators. Is it going to be a podcast, or entirely private so we can come up with all sorts of crazy ideas about what really happened?

It's going to be our second Six Feats Under guest game. The first was James D'Amato of the OneShotRPG playing a Batman-themed Fiasco playset he wrote with us. We record a week from today and upload ???.

Planning on going to Gen Con?

Nope. Indianapolis is surprisingly difficult to travel to and cons are no fun if you don't know anybody there.

I'm surprised that your name's Grant. You always struck me as more of an Archibald.

My true name shakes the pillars of the Earth. It really is Archibald.
Liked by: Booky

A few of your recent posts make it seem like you're ashamed of the 4E LP, is that accurate or not?

No, I think its just WAY TOO HUGE to recommend to anybody, and I'm understandably more excited by projects that are active. I feel that we've all gotten better with experience, so why not suggest your audience skip forward and reap the benefits of that?

Just listened to the MenDrinkingCoffee playthrough of the PnP Mindjack module. You think you might invite them to take part in one of your planned mini-adventures?

They are on the list of people I'd like to do something with. Will 6FU be that thing? Maybe!

What games are you playing right now? (Video, board, and tabletop) What games do you want to shout out?

Papers, Please
Inverse World
Love Letter
I wanna give a shoutout to all the awesome fun you can have by doing what you aren't supposed to and loving everybody as you do it.

When answering a question on ask.fm, roll + _____ On a 10+ _______________________ On a 7-9, _______________________ *_________________________ *_________________________ * ________________________ On a 6-, ___________________________ Fill in the blanks.

When you answer an ask.fm question roll+clever. On a 10+ pick two from the list below. On a 7-9 pick one. On a 6- pick one and the GM will tell you how it went wrong.
-You get plenty of likes
-Someone asks a followup question
-Your answer is shared by someone who reads it
Liked by: Rurfs Covok

Some good news and some bad news about D&D Next. Good news: they reference non-gender-binary people in the section under "sex" for character creation. Bad news: they give special thanks to RPGPundit and Zak S as consultants, whose names are alongside Robin Laws and Kenneth Hite. I feel weird. :/

Don't play bad games. Don't play games that legitimize bad people. It's up to you in which order you prioritize them. Either way, Next is out. If you want a d20 fantasy book that Ken and Robin worked on 13 True Ways is practically here, with pre-orderers and KS backers already having their pdfs.


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