
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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Aside from Payday 2 and the Arkham series, can you recommend any other vidya games with cool clown villains?

Super Paper Mario, FF6, Psychonauts, The Spawn games, Mega Man 8, Twisted Metal

If you were part of the Wonderful 100 what Wonder would you be?

Well there is this work in progress pic.twitter.com/oSirRJnnc8
Liked by: Booky

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Have you seen next to normal?

I wish I had the money to see all the shows I'd like to see. I'm such a theatre poser.
Liked by: Rurfs

How does Watch Dogs make you feel, AS A CHICAGOAN?

I saw a gameplay video and while the Loop isn't very accurate, it feels real anyway. Then the rest of the video came and uh.... that ain't Chicago. That's a big collection of crate storage facilities. It feels a lot less interesting and varied than the actual city it was adapted from. Then I saw the map. http://i.imgur.com/dPHhHUC.jpg Chicago has one small island, made of landfill dating from the fire (everything in Chicago comes from the fire or the 1893 World's Fair). I get that water is a naturally explainable boundary to the game world to keep you from driving to Milwaukee, but just remake New York if you're going to end up with this.

Okay, I've done DMed before, but I've always been a bit of a shitty one (railroading, I'm a bit of a control freak). I'm gonna be doing my first Dungeon World session tomorrow, so is there any advice you can give me on how to repress that side of me so that I can give the players a good experience?

Follow your principles! Dungeon World is a great game to learn how to GM because your chapters are written to teach you how to do it. Be a fan of the characters and play to see what happens. If you aren't following the principles you're breaking the rules you big jerk.

"Syrg can always be found deep in a hole of sludge and despair anytime you want him." what exactly did he do to burn bridges with the crew?

No that's just his life.

"I can hide them that way." From who? The No Fun Police?

The "oh god how much money did you spend, you're never even going to play these" police.
Liked by: Booky

You sound so genuinely pumped during W101. I think you might actually be more excited than Chip. What I'm saying is you're the best.

Yo yo yo, it's the hype man boyeeeee.
Liked by: Booky King Christmas

Hypothetical situation: through some freak licensing accident, the intellectual property of Dungeons & Dragons ends up in your ownership. This is a lot of power, and a lot of responsibility. What is your first order of business?

License a children's cartoon.
Liked by: King Christmas Booky

Not sure how different this is than someone's previous question about 13A, but if you were to recommend a virtual table to a group that's just starting out, what would it be, and why? Is there any advice you'd give based on your experience?

Roll20.net is browser-based and lets you keep all you maps, pogs, and notes saved to its servers so you can get to them wherever you are. They just implemented user-generated character sheets as well. You can see it in action this weekend when Pelgrane's Free RPG Day game is streamed on Youtube. Details here: http://pelgranepress.com/site/?p=15358
Liked by: Michael Elliott

Did you do that panel pro bono, or did an exchange of dead Presidents help in your decision-making?

Speakers get free passes, so there's that I guess.
Liked by: Booky


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