
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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If you could trade away one bad aspect unique to the tabletop fandom for a bad aspect unique to the video game fandom, which would they be and why?

Indistinct. Nerds are nerds, dude.
Liked by: Booky

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I just realized something genius about the Metal Gear Solid series. You know how the most popular weapons are phallic euphemisms? Swords, guns, spears, missiles? Well, the Metal Gear robots are the most feared weapons in-game, and they're not even remotely phallic! Kojima's a genius!

Kojima stays awake all night at his desk, sweating and pulling his hair out. After days of false starts and writers' block he finally has it. Furiously, his pen carves into the blank page.

If you were on the Bachelor, and the contestants were anthropomorphic personifications of tabletop RPGs, how convoluted and dramatic will things be when you're forced to give your last flower to either 13th Age or Dungeon World?

We actually call it "tagging the Rose aspect".

Do the 13th Age rules lend themselves well to erotic role-play?

Oh I've got one unique thing all right. Wanna see?
Liked by: Rurfs

Who is the PewDiePie of the tabletop community?

If you mean someone everyone is embarassed about because they keep screaming "RAPE" I'd have to say Vincent Baker.
Liked by: Booky


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