
Guardian Dreamer

Ask @GuardianDreamer

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What is your most treasured possession?

I guess I'd say my PS2? It wasn't the first console I ever played a game on, but it was the very first console I ever owned.

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What costume (Halloween or anything else) are you proudest of?

I once dressed up as a ninja with a fake sword that could be detached into two smaller swords. That was nice.

Favorite Nasuverse Heroine?

TehChaos’s Profile PhotoMaster Of Chaos
I've always had a soft spot for Ciel even if her route had rather lackluster writing. I'm actually really hoping for improvements to her route in the Tsukihime remake (whenever that is) since from what I know. Nasu has improved a LOT in terms of writing skill since originally making Tsukihime and Fate.

Rp Prompt: You wake up realizing your in a Groundhog day loop, how do you escape?

I try to see what happens if I do several different things. Also, I get a watch or something and stay up while looking at the watch to see if that prevents the loop. At the very least, I'd find out when the loop happened.

Do you celebrate your RP characters' birthdays?

LunchPolice’s Profile PhotoBrett Ruys
Nope. Celebrating RP character birthdays would seem off to me since every time there was a birthday, I'd probably think of the character as now being a year older than their app said... Except it doesn't work that way and they'd be their original age in the actual RP unless there was a time skip. I'm also the most forgetful person ever, so if you asked me to name the birthdays of my RP characters, I'd draw a huge blank or only remember Kyouji Kamishiro's birthday, since he's currently the only active character I have who I actually gave a birthday.

Will you ever tell us the story of the Saito siblings?

TehChaos’s Profile PhotoMaster Of Chaos
What story is there to tell? All incarnations of Kana, Kouhei, and Rei that you're familiar with come from different universes where their stories are different. Though I guess Kana's is the most "complete"... In which case all you need to know is that she lived a fairly normal life with her siblings until she interfered in a fight between what appeared to be two humans, but was actually an angel and a demon in human form. Then she was kind of forced to either enter the world of demons, or die. No points for guessing which she chose. From there, she was involved in hunting for rogue demons (criminals) and eventually she got involved in a war between demons and angels. After several deaths and revivals and lots of craziness in general, she managed to be alive by the end of her RP and reunite with her family after she had gone missing for several years.
I don't know how else you want me to explain it.

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Make up snappy names for your RP ships.

What, you mean ships focusing JUST on my characters, or ships involving my characters and someone else's, or maybe you mean my ships in general and it doesn't have to involve my characters at all...? I need some kind of hint here. ... Oh well, guess I'll go for my ships in general, then. (Note: These range from canon to semi-plausible to crack to hate ships and everything in-between.)
Yumina/Ryouji - Opposite Treasures
Kame/Michio - Kamichio
Kokoro/Yasui - Kosui
Narome/Kea - Kearome
Drey/Narome - Dreyome
Exa/Kenneth - Assassinshipping
Saori/Moshi - Saoshi
Heako/Akira - Heakira
Kyouji/Everyone in UDR - Group Hug Shipping
... I originally had more separate names for Kyouji ships, but decided it was kind of ridiculous when about half of this list was Kyouji crack ships. So I shortened it.

Is it possible to justify a murder?

I clicked on the "Random Question" thing to see what would happen and I got this. I thought I would share it with everyone on AAO.
This theme sure does sound familiar for some reason...

you're trapped in Five Nights At Freddies! How will you survive?

Take a page from Solid Snake and hide under a cardboard box.

Challenge: Find at least ONE good thing from a show/series/etc. that you found to be absolutely awful.

"Absolutely awful" is hard for me since if something DOES have a redeeming quality to it, it graduates above "absolutely awful". I dislike Umineko as a whole, but it's not "absolutely awful" since I can understand the appeal and there were a few moments I genuinely liked.
I guess I'll go with Limbo of the Lost, which truly deserves all the hate it gets, especially since it blatantly stole resources from other games. As bad as the game is (I recommend the LP of it on the LP Archive if you haven't experienced it) the final/credits song is unintentionally(?) hilarious.

What traits do you find most admirable in a person?

Open-mindedness about the fact that THEIR values could well be very different from the values of other people, and neither one is necessarily inferior or superior to the other. I've kind of gotten tired of people who try to apply Western or American values to other countries that have different ideas on what's taboo and what isn't offensive, though it can happen to any culture too of course. (Note: That's not to say you should throw your values out the window. Just remember that not everyone shares them, seriously. What can seem like a slur or an unspeakable taboo to you can be friendly or normal to someone else. If it bothers you that much, talk to that person normally.)
Also I like general friendliness. I've always been one of those people that thinks that you should try to be friends with someone if you're able to get along, even if you have vastly different beliefs on everything.

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If you could make a story/game/movie etc, with unlimited resources, what would you make?

A massive VN/SRPG hybrid with multiple routes centered around being able to play as a Human faction, Angel faction, or Demon faction, each with a unique story, and several ways to handle maps that lead to alternative outcomes and you can prevent deaths from happening if you know what you're doing.

What RP would you like to see revived?

Eh, this is kind of a "cheat" answer, but I don't think there are that many RPs in general that I'd want to see revived, since the core people involved in them are usually gone, and i feel like the time has passed for that roleplay. It's why I wouldn't want an ET revival, since a LOT of people involved in it seldom visit AAO.

Who would win: the Cast of Persona 4 or the Cast of RotS?

I think the cast of Persona 4 has more experience actually fighting, so probably them.


Language: English