Ask @HanIlmi

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klau dbri pluang prgi korea skrg, awk nk prgi mn??

Kalau sekarang tak nak sebab chanyeol tak ada kat korea now hehe

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Nak ada kening macam HAGEMARU >< tebal pulak tuhh.... !!! so agak2 nya macam mana nak tebalkan kening yee?? haha :p

Letak seaweed dekat kening -,-

Apa yang engkau nak daripada keluarga kau?

Ambil berat of me? Like asking me what i feel, what i want and give some advices to me or help me when i'm in need. I really want to share so many things with them macam i have a crush on someone, i want to tell them about the guy i like, i also want to talk to them about what happen to me sepanjang hari, watch my favorite dramas, variety shows sama-sama, listen to my fav songs together and more tapi entah la, susah. Sebab tak biasa kot hehehe

Ada ex-boyfriend? Berapa? Boleh cerita tentang your love story? You benci dia tak bila dia tinggalkan you?

Amboi panjangnya soalan hahaha well yes i have one. First love kot HAHAHAHA masa tu tak matang lagi. Nak cerita macam mana eah? Hmm it was back in 2010. He's one year older than me. We have no date, kitorang jumpa kat sekolah aje (errr jumpa kat sekolah kira dating ke? Bcs it wasnt even feel like dating time tu). Tu pun jarang and bila berjumpa kitorang malu tahap gaban. He's always belakang pintu and i'm depan pintu -,- kitorang just contact each other by message kat hp and fb. Time tu i selalu keluar kelas (pergi tandas, tolong cikgu buat pengumuman kat kelas lain apa semua) semata-mata nak tengok dia by lalu depan kelas dia muahahaha xD We were together for about eight months then yeah~ nope i don't hate him langsung :)


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