Ask @HanIlmi

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Ever wonder why you are single?

Yes and i thought to myself “sebab selalu doa mintak dijauhkan drpd zina/maksiat kot” soooo terima je la hahaha ?✌?

Plans for valentines day? ?

Pergi kelas lepas tu membebel sebab dah la banyak kelas time tu, gap pulak 3 jam. Kelas start before asar pulak tuuu ha kan dah membebel sini ???

Macam mana nk disiplinkan diri minum mineral water secukupnya ek??

Buat tanda kat botol air. Pukul 8 kena habis banyak mana, pukul 9 air kena tinggal paras mana. Ha gituuu la faham faham la apa yang nak disampaikan ni ??

What's one hilarious thing you found out recently?

My bro told me his workmates want to know me. Kalau dia pergi kerja nanti mesti diorang tanya “kakak apa khabar” apa semua and asked him to show my photos then he showed my whatsapp dp ha ha ha

Ilmi nak nikh umr brpa??

Buat masa ni tak terfikir lagi nak kahwin hahaha but if i have to give umur berapa tu maybe around 26 or 27? Kalau time tu dah ready ?

I'll throw away this feeling for you, my crush. Because you belong to someone else. I can't and I won't hurt the feeling of your girlfriend. And I don't want you to be a cheater either. ?

Awww that’s so sweet of you. Stay strong! He will replace him with someone better ?

what your opinion about cinta selepas nikah?

Manisss hihi but i still think before nikah tu kena la kenal each other dulu sikit-sikit ?

Kenapa aku rasa aku selalu kene left out dgn kengkawan, aku tau sbb aku pendiam x byk ckp.... Tapi jgn la buat aku macam tunggul...

I feel you ??

Aku habis degree 23 , sambung master nanti dalam 1-2 tahun . Kerja ambil masa 2 tahun . So maybe dalam 27-28 aku kahwin . Any opinions ?

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Saya setuju ??♀️ I think umur 26-28 tu umur yang terbaik untuk kahwin kot hihi good luck
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pstu nnti pkwe ko ade yg nk kebas pstu ko jles,,jgn slahkn pmpn tu la sbb pmpn tu pun x tau pkwe ko dh ade ko,,

Refer jawapan sebelum ni


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