
Hershies Layton

Ask @HersheysChocolates

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What is your name? What is your quest? What is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow?

Hershel. To solve the mystery of Azra- THESE QUESTIONS REMIND ME OF A PUZZLE

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Which holidays do you and your family celebrate?

...A lot. Just in December isn't much, though. Christmas and Boxing Day.

Who do you miss the most?

I haven't talked to Whirly or Wolfy in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ;-----; Oh, and there are people that I've seen around but miss talking to, like Fufy~

You wake up and find out that you swapped bodies with your best friend. What do you do?

First, feel really awkward that I'm now a guy. Then find the nearest phone, make a call to my home, and see how they're liking life in Australia~ (I'm assuming we're talking best friend out of everyone irl and online?)

How many hours do you sleep at night?

I get a pretty decent slep. 7 to 7 and a half hours on a weekday, and anywhere from nothing to 14 hours on a weekend or holiday.

How do you solve problems?

Depends what you mean. If it's math problems, I like to use formulas. If it's like... Problem problems that involve me, I'll feel really bad and either hide and avoid it or apologize a lot. That kind of thinking is a problem in itself, though...

What do you feel are your writing strengths?

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha I have none
I'm relatively confident in my poetry, though? It's not Ferdie level or anything, but... Yeah.

What is your proudest moment of all time?

I don't remember actually feeling... Fully proud of something, since there's always going to be flaws. I guess it was back in third grade, when everyone could leapfrog over these poles with flat heads on them and I was too short to do it, and so the teacher said that every morning I had to come to school early and do 3 leapfrogs over the pole things before class started. Of course, I couldn't. So the girls that had to watch to make sure I didn't cheat or fake it eventually got fed up and would go back to class after like 10 minutes and just say I did it. And then about mid-way through fourth grade, I managed to leapfrog over the shortest and second-shortest one. That made me pretty proud.

Describe the last 24 hours of your life.

>Sleep, sleep, sleep.
>Wake up.
>Have shower.
>Brush teeth.
>Put on comfier clothes.
>Eat fortune cookie.
>Go to computer.
>Check DA notes.
>Start arting the request.
>Art stream with more GIGIGIGIGIGIGIGI
>There was some xat in there too.
>Eat advent calendar chocolate and fortune cookie.
>Watch anime with Kwandsy.
>Eat popcorn.
>Make blanket and pillow fort.
>Hide in blanket and pillow fort.
>Get out of the fort.
>Answer ask.fm questions.
>Ignore dinner.
>Little bit of Gigi.
>PM Fiendy a thing.
>Have shower, brush teeth, and change clothes.
>Talk to Pyon
>~11:30 Go to sleep.
>Wake up.
>Answer ask.fm questions.

What's your favourite AAO/PyWright/PWLib/RenPy/YouTube/etc. fangame/s & related characters? :P

okay so it starts with a chaos ends with a black and it's chaos black and bliqu

What's your favourite fangame/s? (Fave fangame characters too!)

Pokemon Chaos Black. It was my very first Pokemon game and I thought it was real and I was very confused and there was a part I couldn't pass ;-; Favourite fangame character? BLIQU no question. Or maybe the wild ABELs. They were my favourite Pokemon...

why does everyone want to conquer the world nowadays?

I don't know. For some reason, everyone wants to be the very best, like no-one ever was... Ever was... To catch them is their true test. To TRAIN THEM IS MY CAUUUUUUUSE I WILL TRAVEL ACROSS THE LAND SEARCHING FAR AND WIIIIIIIIIIDE DOO DOO DOO DOO EACH POKEMON TO UNDERSTAND THE POWER THAT'S INSIIIIIIIIIIIIDE POKEMOOOOOOOOOON THEy've got to catch them all. It's you and me. And they think it's their destiny. Huh? I didn't break out into song, what are you talking about?

What's the true meaning of Christmas?

noun: Christmas; plural noun: Christmases
the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on 25 December in the Western Church.
"he was a vehement sabbatarian and iconoclast, who denounced the observance of Christmas"
synonyms: Xmas, Noel; "
Were you actually just too lazy to google it


Language: English