

Ask @IrdinaNazurah

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there was a girl named irdina who born on 16th january 2000 .. a good and hyper and funny girl ever also exostans kikiki . happy birthday dear irdina stay pretty and cute and fabulous ! i love you xx

hahaha , terharu ni terharu >< terima kasih !! :D i love you too

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hello irdina :3 kiki , happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to irdina happy birthday to you ^^ jangan stress selalu , senyum :) fighting for 2014 ! yeahhhh !!

thanks ! >< yelah lepas ni kite senyum je tak stress lagi XD hahaha

saw you at school but tak sempat nak ucap sebab tergesa tadi btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY DINOT X] stay pretty and ............................... smile always sayang dia muahhh :*

ngee ok takpe takpe .. thanks !! :D sayang dia jugak ;)

hi irdina *kelip kelip mata* happy birthday comel '.' kikiki , May Allah Bless you :D

hi , thanks XD ngeee hahahaha

happy birthday kak irdina .. senior form 2 yang kita suka and selalu tegur walaupun tak pernah bercakap di alam realiti maaf kite segan :(

terima kasih hehe . takpe , nanti ada apa apa tanya jela saya tak makan orang XD

psst , happy birthday .. jangan cakap kuat kuat shhhh .. sayang kau tau shhh !! hehe saje je merapu keh keh hi irdinot , happy birthday and stay pretty girl :)

ngee , terima kasih woot woot sayang kau juga :* !

piece , happy bornday dear irdina ^^ the happiest person ever and the brightest smile ever keh keh love your chinese eyes XD ngeee

heyy , thank you sweety ! :D

merajuk sebab kamu tak reply wc kita

alolo , ok ok nanti dina buat voice message banyak banyak memandangkan birthday dina okey ? ngee senyum sikit , comeeeeeeeel dia :D
Liked by: asna

irdina sayang. happy birthday. may God bless you. goodluck in your studies and stay hyper like always okay? i wish you stay healthy like everyday. i love you. xoxo :3 from : kak asna

baekhyunns’s Profile Photoasna
thank you kak asna .. nanti dina jadi hyper kacau kak asna hari hari :3 ngee i love you too XD !!
Liked by: asna

heleh , dah ler tadi jalan tak tegur kite , merajuk !!

alololo , janganler merajuk ngee . tak perasan ! lepas ni kite jerit nama awak kuat kuat kalau jumpa :p
Liked by: vandyhxn


Language: English