
Kevin Exnicios

Ask @Jedimon2005

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Have you ever sen a GoGo dancer?

The Boukengers did not dance during their ending sequence. They ran up a mountain and connected pieces of a globe or something. The Magirangers danced though, and it was fantastic.

hayabusa-kun wants to make love to you. Will you let him?

Only if teabagging Yuuki while Hayabusa-kun looks me directly in the eye is an option.

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When you’ll be 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

If I'll still be able to bang everyone's mom in between trying to not piss and shit on myself every 5 minutes and trying to keep my balls from dragging the floor.
Seriously though, what'll matter most is having my wife still by my side and that my kids and grandkids will care enough about me to spend time with me and take care of me and not send me off to a nursing home to die alone.

I think we could all learn from the friendship between Kouta & Micchy. I think they get the true meaning of friendship.

Exactly. When friends with someone, if they get in your way, you do whatever you have to to kill them, and they should continuously forgive you until you succeed.

That's right Shuki got Red Samurai & Green. & you got Blue & Green we all got Mike everyone loves Mike. & Dosm already had them all.

Yes, that is the incident in question.

What does true friendship mean to you?

True friendship is when people do things you tell them to without you having to beat and subjugate them. They already know the wrath you will inflict upon them if they don't listen so they automatically comply.

What's on your summer reading list?

The program guide on my cable box, and the descriptions of the shows I watch.

Is there a toy you,shuki,or dosm would fight over? If so what would it be?

I would definitely fight them for a toy. While in California for PMC3, Shuki and I battled it out for some Samurai figures we could've gotten cheaper at home. I would fight with them for just about anything awesome, especially if quantities are limited, and I wanted to get a review up first.

What's the most awkward thing you can say in an elevator?

My hands are full. Can you come unzip my pants so I can push the button with my penis?

I meant did you get a PMC ticket?

I still need to do that. I actually have to make sure I can get off work for the days of the trip.

So recently I was listening to a video discussing pokemon. Someone brought up the idea of changing how moves work. The example was keeping pokemon at using 4 moves at a time, but you can switch out moves. For example, a blastoise switching out waterfall for surf but still know waterfall. Thoughts?

Shawn Stuart
What Shuki said.

The question marks where because I forgot he name. Shows how much I care. I hope ToQ Rokugo will go you are annoying and kick her off and then Akira & Ticket take over the world. And we all have to have puppets and where orange & play on a harmonica/recorder with builder hats & ask if we die.

Everyone needs their own puppet and harmonica!


Language: English