

Ask @JustASliceOfBread

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what was your senior year book quote

"Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock and roll"
-Shigero Miyamoto

Do you wear socks in bed?

Ever sense I tried becoming skinny through a ritual called "the librarian" I have always felt the cold presence of the pact I made that fateful night loom over me, watching me, granting me it's intelligence in exchange for feasting off my fragile sanity. Was it worth it? Oh god... Was it worth it.
The left was before, the right is after.
Do you wear socks in bed

What do you like to have for breakfast?

the stress that comes with realizing you still have homework to do

What are your favorite subjects to talk about?

smash and whether or not something is OP in smash (they are not)

My bf watches porn does that mean he doesn't love me

you watch more porn does that mean you don't love him, you also fuck people instead of going to your dog's funeral

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

invest half of it in a bank so you can get keep getting your money back over time and the other half on friends

If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?

how all my animation style is just frames of 2,4,6,8,4,2 when moving to give an organic feel


Language: English