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Ask @KatTheHattress

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You're gunna be shock to see who the killer is though, I never wouldv'e guessed at this point, At the beginning, maybe

Ky ;3
HM, really? I'm going to guess it's that Australian guy.
Liked by: Ky ;3 ♣Katie♣

Don't send me pictures of your a hole... And answer me, lol xD! Btw what a tiny lil hole... X'D burn you beetch..burn

usmanzaheer1829’s Profile PhotoUsmanlughmani
Alright that's it. You're really fucking starting to piss me off. You sir clearly have no respect for me. You always talk about me in a sexual way and it's really starting to tick me off more. You think it's funny when it's not it's fucking stupid and disgusting, so fuck you. You always call me a slut, hoe, whore, or a bitch when I'm clearly not. You barely know me so you can't just go ahead and talk to me like that. My friends call me that in a joking way but they don't cross the line with me like you do, you clearly don't respect me as a person and you're treating me like shit and I'm sick of it.

honestly same here. like yeah sometimes i wish i was in a relationship but i'd rather have my heart together than having it be shattered

Haha yeah. :)
Liked by: ♣Katie♣

do you like being single?

Yeah I do, it's great. Honestly being in a relationship isn't everything, Just because a guy simply likes you it may be just in the moment kind of thing. Don't look to be in a relationship, if it happens it happens what you need to work on is who you're friends with and what kind of people they are instead of wanting to find "Prince Charming."

forget overdosing...it never works....I kept the gun from Jeremy. It might come in handy tonight.

Can you please just sit and think positive? I know a lot of shit has happened in your life but please please stop being suicidal you're robbing yourself for the better years to come. Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean it's a bad life believe me if anyone would know that I will. We all have our bad days, we all have our depressing days, but you're giving in again and quite frankly you said you hated being weak? Killing yourself is being weak, you're not fighting. You don't even know your worth in this world and you're going to kill yourself? You haven't even live life to the fullest to know what happiness really is, do you honestly want to rob yourself of that? I'm sure you don't. But what you're doing is very and highly stupid. Throw away the gun, throw away the pills, what is going to help you? Even when you're dead you're still going to have that void that won't be filled, you'll still have all those bad feelings, so what's the point?

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Liked by: ♣Katie♣ Ky ;3

Idek anymore. I guess. I mean look at Katie's profile..

Okay and? She was giving you advice and you weren't exactly nice about it.. so she was basically like "Okay, do what you want." So I don't blame you but she doesn't have patience and her tolerance level is pretty low so.
Liked by: ♣Katie♣


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