

Ask @KatrinaCheshire

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But i am jealous! :( and have you even ever had braces? your teeth are so fucking straight?! haha you are gorgeous :') xxxxx

nope never had braces..haha
although i have really yellow teeth hate them:(
getting them whitened soon though incase i get more auditions!..wooo!
thank you btw:)xxxx

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Its okay its so good to hear that you wont stop fighting for your dreams! You dont hear that often in people now :) know I'm anon but i will give you advice when you need it :) You are an inspiration to me! seriously aways keep a smile on your face even when you ay not be feeling that great or what

i never will i promise you..thats a promise I'm willing to always keep..
please come off anon?:')
and aww thank you!
i do try to keep smiling even when i feel like crap..
because tbh life has to go on:')

Sorry that paragraph was to big to fit into one question! I could've carried on but I don't want to annoy you ahaha!! Xxxx

you wouldn't annoy me!..that is so sweet of you:')
thank you!xxxx
Liked by: sid daryan Mahmoud

...she was bullied at school! So it just shows that you NEVER know what's around the corner for you! You just have to believe that you are capable of this and you will get there! I've heard u sing an ur amazing! And with practice you will be even better which I can't even imagine!it would b perfect

omg thank you so much:')
made my day!
im gonna fight forever dont worry..
ill keep practising no matter what..
everyday, evernight..
ill be on it like a shot:')
even listening to sky fall right now and singing so loudly..
Liked by: sid Mahmoud

Ignore the hate, just keep on pushing through! one your not shit, two haters are going to hate there called trolls and theres no reasoning with them. 3 you practise, how do you think singers get famous? its just fighting for it!

aww thank you so much!..yea haters are idiots!
im gonna fight till i die no matter what they say!
tbh it doesnt bother me!
one day i just want to prove them all wrong..
Liked by: sid Mahmoud

Firstly it's great that you are so focused on what you want to be because people will recognise that! Okay-everybody gets hate-even freaking adele gets hate!! I bet when she was your age she never thought she would be as big as she is now and just look at er! I actually know for a fact that she was

aww thank you so much!
she is amazing, id love to be like her!
she is my inspiration!
she is what keeps me fighting for it!
Liked by: sid daryan Mahmoud

HI. Y ou gave me a fan sign and I just asked if you had youtube... I am a DJ/Songwriter and honestly think your voice would suit some lyrics I am currently writing. If your interested I want to see if youd do it...

BaileyDooWopGilbert’s Profile Photo*Insert Witty Name Here*
id love too:)
would be really good:)
Liked by: sid daryan Mahmoud


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