

Ask @KatrinaCheshire

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i dare you to post a video answer of you dancing to any song whilst wearing 1 high heel. could you ensure video shows your feet.

Liked by: laura MF tait✞

thoughts on Jake Gardner

he's such a funny guy!..miss him soooo much now he's left uctc:(..used to be so close, always cheers me up when i was upset:)..never fails to make me laugh..never a dull moment when he is around!..hes so kind+caring!..hes ginger;)..and generally a lovely guy even though he can be annoying sometimes!..really wanna see him again one day!
Liked by: laura MF tait✞

thoughts on ego maniacs?

tbh my motto has always been put someone else before yourself..
so id hope they didn't just care for themselves more but maybe they do..
tbh everyone is different so theres no point in judging..
people are who they are for a reason..
they were born that way and they should never have to change for anyone..
it doesn't always mean that they just love themselves..
they are just proud of themselves..
its not always a bad thing..
nothing is bad when it comes to human nature<3
Liked by: laura MF tait✞

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Opinon on matching jackets and tracksuit bottoms?

matching jackets: there all right but its a bit weird when you have the same outfit as your best friend tbh..i just find it really weird..
trackiess: bloody love them the comfiest things i have ever worn!

opinion on chav's??

well i mean they can be who they want to be..
its up to them how they want to speak/act..
personally I'm not one cause i cant speak/act like one at all..
but theres no point in judging anyone..
people are all different..
which makes everyone special and beautiful<3

Best memory of 2012??

all of the ones i have had with my best friends:)..different ones with different people:)

have you ever bullied someone?

no, i mean I've joked around but never bullied anyone!..i mean i think its plain horrible..it makes people feel horrible inside..
it makes you feel worthless..
it makes you feel like no one cares..
it makes you feel like you have nobody to talk too..
i just don't see the point in trying to hurt someone, your not going to achieve anything from it apart from making people feel horrible about themselves..
people judge people to easily now a days cause of our bloody society!
i mean
if your fat..your ugly
if your skinny..your anorexic
if you read..your a nerd
if you don't read..your stupid
if you wear make-up..your a slut
if you don't wear make-up..your ugly
if your a virgin..your frigid
if you have had sex..your a slut
just leave people alone and let them live there own life!..there is no time for bullying!..just enjoy your life and live it to the fullest:')

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Liked by: Gєσяgiα

u is the sickest persn eva we could be proper good friends 4 lfe innit nuff said

please learn to use the english dictionary and then i might consider it.

thoughts on owen?

well even though we have broken up and stuff now..i just remember standing there today saying our last goodbyes in the relationship and just standing there thinking no matter what I'm gonna be there for him..hes the best thing thats ever happened too me, he's my bestest friend..no one can beat him..not anybody!..hopefully we get back together one day when all the stress is gone and we are both not ill anymore and were better focusing on each other not us being ill!..hes the loveliest and kindest boy ever to meet!..hes so funny and never fails to make me laugh even when I'm about to cry!..nothing can ever bring us apart not anything..no matter what he's gonna be my best friend for the rest of my life<3
Liked by: Cameron Finch


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