
Khaled Ahmed Ghozzy

Ask @KhaledAhmedGhozy

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Post your favorite quote. Do you usually follow the quotes you believe in?

I am me. I do follow the quotes that I believe in.
Regarding this quote, I'd like to say that I am firmly against generalization. If one person in a team is bad, this doesn't mean all team members are consequently bad. I am me, my actions define me and only me. Anyone else's actions don't define me.

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بتذاكر كام ساعه ف يومك ؟؟

لما بيكون عندى امتحان بيبقى اليوم كله مذاكرة مع حذف اوقات الصلاة و الأكل و الشرب و الحاجات اللى بتضيع وقت دى .. غير كده يبقى من ساعة واحده ل 3 أو اربع ساعات على حسب اللى ورايا .. و ده مش بيتكرر كل يوم .. خصوصا الأيام اللى فيها محاضرات كتير دماغى بتبقى فصلت ف ممكن مش اذاكر اصلا

Do you view medicine as art? Why / why not?

Yes, I do. Well, let me specify dentistry. As a dental student, I draw the teeth from five aspects, isn't that art?! I carve the teeth using wax blocks, isn't that art?! And when I become a dentist - in sha2 Allah - I will reform destructed teeth using dental fillings, isn't that art?! And here is an example of art, someone, that I actually don't know, had carved this dental unit using wax blocks, isn't this art?! :D ^_^

Do you support the idea of always having "plan B"?

Yes, I do. We must consider several plans to follow whenever we are going to do something special. It's better safe than sorry. If I stick with only one plan, and that plan is ruined, then whatever I was going to do won't be accomplished. Why would I put myself in such a situation?!

فكرة ساعدونى فيها جزيتم خيرا ..كل شخص يكتبلى نصيحة او شىء كويس ياخد عليه ثواب وهكتبهم فى ورق وكل يوم الصبح هاخد ورقة واطبق اللى فيها ده فى اليوم وهكذا ...وهافتكركم بالدعاء لما ورقتك تيجى فى يوم ^^

فكرة جميلة ^^
صدقة .. مهما كانت قيمتها طبعا ..

انا خلصت مذاكره بس حاسه اني عايزه ااكد علي مذاكرتي تاني لان الاناتومي ده عامل زي السيرتو فراجع واحل واخلي البون اقراه بكره بليل وخلاص 'كنت مراجعاه مراجعه سريعع قبل كدا ' واعد النهارده اراجع واحل؟ نصيحتك :-/

جميل .. ربنا يوفق حضرتك و يوفقنا جميعا ان شاء الله ^^

What does it mean when you have a good, almost happy, present but you keep thinking about either your past or your future?

It means that - whoever that person is - that person lacks contentment. We have to thank God for the blessings God has given us so as to save them from vanishing or get more of them. We also have to ask God to forgive us for what we have done in the past.

Do you think being a leader requires a person to be blunt and harsh? Why?

No. For leaders to be truly obeyed, they must be loved by their followers. Harsh leaders, in my opinion, are not good at all and their followers either disobey them or obey them unwillingly. Doing things willingly is, for sure, much more productive.

اختار شخص من اصدقاء الكليه اتكلم عنه بنت او ولد يارب تاجب يا دوك ^_^

مصطفى ياسر الدوى, صديق و أخ بحمد ربنا ان الكلية عرفتنى عليه :D
محترم و يكفينى اشوفه بس بحس بالسعادة كده ^^ انا اصلا مش هعرف اتكلم عنه كلام يوفيه حقه .. فيكفينى بس أدعى ان ربنا يخليه ليا
D ^_^ حبيبى يا صاصا ^_^
طبعا فى ليا حبايب كتير فى الكلية اتشرف بمعرفتهم .. يا ريت مش يزعلوا انى مش اتكلمت عنهم :D

ايه اللى مش بيعجبك بصراحة في الزمن ده ؟

انعدام قيم و مبادئ كتير أوى كل ما اسمع عنها من أيام الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام و أيام الصحابة , احس انى بقرأ عن حاجة اسطورية معدتش موجودة ف الزمن ده .. ربنا يهدينى و يهدينا جميعا

لو البنت سألت ولد زميلها عندكو في الدفعة عادي ولا بتفهمومها غلط ؟ مش بتقولو مسألتش زميلتها ليه ؟

كل واحد حسب ثقافته .
أنا عن نفسى شايف انه عادى .. ..
و مش بسأل نفسى مسألتش زميلتها ليه .. ولا بفهمها غلط ..
يعنى هوا انا لما أروح أسأل بنت هتفهم غلط ؟؟ دى ترجع بقى لنظرة كل فرد حسب ثقافته زى ما انا قلت .. و انا الحمد لله مش بحط كلام الناس فى دماغى ..
الفكرة كلها انى ممكن بطريقة أو بأخرى أكون عارف ان الشخص ده هيفيدنى ف بسأله .. ولد بقى بنت مش هحط الموضوع ف دماغى .. يعنى البنت اللى مثلا تعرف ان زميلها فاهم جزئية معينة .. تروح تسأله لو هى محتاجاها .. ولا تقعد تدور على كل زمايلها البنات الأول فيهم حد فاهمها ولا لأ ! و على ايه كل ده يعنى ..
ده رأيى ..

انت ما اكتر الناس خلقا ف الكليه ربنا يبارك فيك ويحققلك ال انت عايزه وان شاء الله تبقي م اكبر الدكاترة لانك تستحقها

ربنا يسعدك و يفرح قلبك ^_^ أشكر حضرتك على تمنيك الخير ليا . و أشكرك على الدعوة الجميلة .. شكرا جزيلا ^^

Do you think doctors care about the well-being of their patients more than their own health to the point of neglecting the needs of their organism? Why?

Doctors are human beings; human beings are not all the same. There will be, for sure, doctors who care about the well-being of their patients regardless of anything else. Contrarily, there might be other doctors who only care about money and their own comfort. It depends on the ethics of that doctor.

Dr. Khaled .. you have a very nice cooperative personality I noticed it the most within the midterms period in the faculty .. you helped me &many of our colleagues..Believe me "thank you" is not enough at all ..actually you deserve more..I know this is not a Q. but I should say sth. Good Luck xD

Oh my God, that is flattering ^_^ Thank you very much for making my day ^_^

How do you think it would affect our planet if clothes and human skin were entirely transparent and anyone could see your internal organs, blood vessels etc. by just taking a glance at you? Why?

I think that only doctors can take this ability as a benefit. This could help them to diagnose diseases in a faster manner without the need of X-rays. It could also help surgeons perform surgeries in an easier manner. This ability would be of no use to normal people, in my opinion.

Would you want to possess full control over your body including the mechanism of your organs? Why / why not?

No. It's even scary to imagine doing that. We have many systems composed of organs, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics. How am I supposed to control all of that !!? It's a blessing, that God has gave us, that our vital internal organs work involuntary.


Language: English