

Ask @KittyCatNats

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Is it bad that I started counting calories and skipping meals and liking the feeling of an empty stomach?

it's not bad to count calories in any means! It's a good way to keep a balanced diet. Especially if you're into that or participate in sports. you shouldn't be skipping meals though, in the long run it'll damage you. trust me. You should be able to feel okay about yourself when eating point blank. if you want to eat, you eat.

In general

in general "Unbroken", "Grapes of Wrath", "Skinny", & " Go Ask Alyson" all are amazing books! the first two are "literature novels" but they really are amazing

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self help!

try "feeling good" & "the way out of your prison" both great books! if you do read, you'll have to give feedback :))

Nats I know you already answered this but what are some good book suggestions?

in general? or self help books!

How did you stop your eating disorder? I think I'm heading down that path and I don't want to please tell me how you stopped it?

a lot of it had to do with my depression which I turned to medication for & I do think that played a huge role in what helped me. Eventually I just became exausted and was sick of feeling the way I did. to be honest it ran it's course. I'm sorry I couldn't be much help! but please know you can talk to me whenever you need to, you do not want to get wrapped up in all of that & I pray that you don't!

is it bad to sleep with your contacts in??

it can be bad yeah. it drys out your eyes and can cause infections making your eyesight even worse then what it is/was!

Do you want a boyfriend?

not necessarily i just like the idea of having someone to be with and having someone to share moments with
Liked by: lex

Do you use a certain face wash? Your skin is so clear

no I don't usually wash my face! I stopped this year because I noticed, putting so much product on my skin made it really dry and didn't do much!

you said you are a plant lover, can you please verify?

I just love plants they make me so happy especially cute little succulents!


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