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-🌿🌿🌿- /

llangeliX’s Profile PhotoLili Mademoiselle
There's something annoying me about some people here at ask.fm.
They're so seamy, I'm sorry about that but If you don't like the Q or not from your style... you don't have to answer it, you really don't have to, don't be so mean and seamy to the other people jus cause ' that a bad Q' come on ask.fm put a delete button
On the Q so you can delete it, that's not a good thing to proud of, you're so silly and you're hurting others for nothing, be nice to others, please.

هل أنا مزعجة؟

Lamammhd’s Profile PhotoLama
لستِ مزعجه لكن هل تعلمين ماهو المزعج حقاً؟ بأني لم أقرا مانجا هجوم العمالقة وعلي ان انتظر الحلقة القادمه ولكني ارى البعض يخبرني امور بشأن الانمي, هل فهمتي الان مايعنيه الازعاج؟.


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