
Jamie-lee Alexander

Ask @MeowJojo

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Do you work/Have you worked? if so what is the naughtiest thing you have done there?

I do work, but nothing to be honest, work life and sex life are completely seperate

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Well offering to suck a guy off is a pretty good way to get a friend :P you'll gain confidence through it though which will help you get to know people too!

I don't know <-<

well, I'm demanding that you try it? ^^ and who is "sir"? :3

Doesn't count! Sir is my 'Daddy' (not my actual dad!) :o he takes control and everything and he's the best ^-^

Then you should stop being so quiet about sex and just begin by admitting anything you've done that people may ask! then go onto throwing out the questions yourself and eventually, asking for some hook ups

But like, I don't even like know people :c

It may be a lot but you did say you like handing over control, so - take it as a command? ^^ try get down to just your underwear and an overcoat :)

Yeah but for that to work, it really would have to be a demand, where I would get punished for not listening to Sir :c

People are always scared at first, you just need to get over that first hurdle then you'll get much more comfortable with it and really, how is it gonna put you at a loss? :p

I don't know :c

One day being next time you're out? :P you should try it! limit yourself to only bare minimum and a good overcoat to cover up so only you and whoever else you tell or may flash will know :)

Jeez, that's a lot D:

Maybe you should stop being so quiet then, since you do really seem to enjoy sex :P

I'm too shy! :c I'm all scared and stuff :c

You hand over all control yet you can't find a guy who'll take you? or are you just being too quiet about it?

Knowing me, just being to quiet :p

What do his fantasys consist of? if he brings it up why haven't you taken it further?

Too many to name, and really just because haven't found anyone I feel confident enough trying it with :c

You should try some more public acts! they can be really fun cause of the risk involved, you should try flashing or even less clothes

It's terrifying!

How dominant do you like? surprised you haven't found someone of that nature lol

As much as possible, I'd pretty much hand over all control.

if you could have as many sexual partners that you wanted, how many and of which gender and personality for each?

Oh wow. I don't know, the possibilities are endless!

What has been the riskiest sexual act you have ever done?

Nothing much really, going without panties in public and stuff

What is your biggest turn on and turn off?

Turn on - Major dominance, tattoos and muscles :3 Turn off - I can't really think of any right now :p

Have you told your boyfriend that you want to fuck another guy yet? what was his reaction?

I think he wants it more than I do :3


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