
Jamie-lee Alexander

Ask @MeowJojo

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do you own a dildo/vibrator? if not what size/width would you want one to be?

Nope, but pretty big ^-^ like, 8" maybe :3

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do any of your friends know you like it up the ass? if not you should at least tell one, to see what they do

A couple do actually know, they think I'm weird, but they've never tried it

do you shave your pussy? if so how?

Depends on how I feel, sometimes just shave the lips and trim the top, sometimes all of it

what is the biggest and smallest cock you've sucked off? and do you prefer to swallow their surprise or spit it out and waste it?

Biggest: 8" smallest : 5" and swallow

what would you rather, sex with someone under-average or forced sex with someone over 8" with a few friends?

I guess I wouldn't mind either way .-.

what would you do if they got leaked?

Meh, its jut my boobs, maybe a couple of my pussy, no face so know one would be able to tell its me

have you ever did nude pictures for anybody? out of a relationship or in one? please state which one

Yes, and in a relationship


Language: English