Mr. Do-do

Ask @MrRQ

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Who do you think should have the skill of being flexible in his/her work ? The Manager Or the leader ? Why!?

Langrisser’s Profile PhotoKing of Darkness
Both because they need to adapt to the changes in the situations as much as possible and make the most suitable decision to manage/lead the other members of their group. :)
Liked by: سكرنا

We can become our worst or best selves under the anonymity, is it only the absence of judgment made us able to unleash our true selves? is it really our true selves?

anova’s Profile PhotoMeme
Being anonymous may affect progress, for better or worse, depending on the person & the situation, lack of being judged makes a person more comfortable & secure in many cases, and when security increases, people tend be more likely to behave the way they really want to behave. I would rather not dwell into the idea of being in the 'true-self state' very much because it will cause lots of confusion & misjudgment so I would rather focus on 'what I want to be' while staying under rational & Islamic boundaries. :)
Liked by: سكرنا Jillian Meme

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Ever considered how evil humans are?

Of course, but through the long run I realized that it is just a waste of my time and causes misunderstanding, disappointments & depression because I can never know for sure what is in people's hearts, how much do they truly love me or hate me, so instead of judging people I would rather look at the situation at hand & try to analyze people's desire so that I'm able to succeed with them and enjoy my time. That being said, I also look at Islamic boundaries to make sure that I'm doing things in the morally right way and would be happy if people would do the same. But at the end of the day, different people have different reasons to reject Islamic boundaries so all I could do at the moment is try to influence & motivate while not criticizing or being judgemental. :)


MrRQ’s Profile PhotoMr. Do-do
الحديث الثامن عشر من الأحاديث النووية:
1- في الحديث الوصية بالتقوى وهي وصية عظيمة جامعة لحقوق الله وحقوق الخلق.
2- كمال التقوى وتمامها أن يذر العبد ما لا ريب فيه خشية الوقوع مما به ريب فيجعل شيئا من المباح حما وسياجا للحرام.
3- قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (اتق الله حيثما كنت). مراده في السر والعلانية حيث يراه الناس وحيث لا يرونه.
4- قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (اتق الله حيثما كنت). مراده في السر والعلانية حيث يراه الناس وحيث لا يرونه.
Liked by: سكرنا H Li Ru

You're a very practical person ;) alright let me give u a situation.you have to select between 2 girls.one is beautiful,intelligent,U DONT LOVE, but parents asked u to marry because they are rich and belongs to your level.. the other one is beautiful, intelligent, U LOVE, but your parents doesnt

Thank you :) I can easily grow to love any girl that is wise, beautiful enough and willing to respect & support my dreams in life if I want to, so my feelings aren't really an issue.
My issues are:
1- The issue of 'Commitment': If I'm already trying to marry the girl that I love then I need to see how things go with her before I can go for the girl that my parents chose.
2- The issue of 'Parental Trust': Do I accept my parents as my wise external advisers when it comes to my love-life? Do I trust my parents to be my rational supporters when I'm in love mode?


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