

Ask @Mrsbaekyeol

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salam kak, ada org ask saya, dia kata dia terlupa password hp then perlu tak dia formatkan balik phone dia. lepas dah format tu nanti semua data dlm fon tu hilang tak?

W'salam. akak tak pasti sebab akak tak pernah letak pw dlm phone ._.
Cuba tanya dekat mereka yg lebih pakar dlm bab ni, takut nt akak salah ckp lain pulak jadi. ;-;

oh.. saeng tkthu sbb belum tngk >.< ok thanks! :D

ok, ken kena tengok, serious episod ni kelakar ! welcome the~

lmao, lately i found new weird word o.o "hbu" plak apa mknanya o.o one more thing,, lagu officially missing you act lagu sape? i mean original singer nya?? sbb tngk ramai noh nyanyi/cover lagu tu o.o

Haha, sama kot. not sure, Jayesslee maybe. sebab 1st time nuna dgr lagu tu dari Jayesslee

yeah, me too i dont want them to seperate. seriously, saya lebih suka bila diaorang bersatu huaa (CRIES WEEPS)

Yup. we [exo] are one! luls.
Liked by: nrzze

i'll give you tissues (( wipes )) unnie, when will they bersatu balikk?

Thanks /wipe tears/
dunno, kalau boleh taknak diorg 'separated'
Liked by: nrzze

the word hurts me lots too in fact i feel like im dying now (( ok im just lying, im not going to die too soon)) i know u dont want them to ber-----h so am i sob sobs ;((

/ crying so hard /
Liked by: nrzze

aahh that must be a rumor only. no way they want to berpecah. (( btw wht's 'tho'?? ))

Please don't say 'berpecah' i'm hurt ;--;
sorry. typo. 'too'
Liked by: nrzze

akakakakakak im weeping nowwww!! waeeeee????????? im gonna miss them!!

Hope it's just a rumor. gonna miss ot12 tho ;---;
Liked by: nrzze

wae ya kak? mmg kena pecah ke??

Asalnya masa debut dulu macam tu. Exo-k buat promotion dekat korea & exo-m dekat china ;
tapi macam tak best la bila macam tu ;-;
Liked by: baeksoo nrzze

Ada orng ckap tnggal lgi 6 mnggu sblum exo k dn exo m brpecah , betul ke ? :O

Bukan berpecah. cuma diorg akan buat promotion berasingan mcm dulu.
Rasanya lepas habis exo's showtime nanti. tak bestnyaa ;--;


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