
finger licking good

Ask @NatalieAnderson12345

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perfect boy?

well obviously he has to have the personality, he has to make me laugh, smile, pick me up when im down and protect me.. like really protect me; that'd be perfection. If he had the looks, that'd make the relationship 1000000x better. To make a perfect relationship/boyfriend he wont be afraid to express himself around me, wont be afraid to show his emotions and cry in front of me.. he will be able to go out with his mates, but on occasions he would have to have a night in with me and want some horror movies. He would have to not be afraid to tell his friends about how he thinks of me, because i know some boys that dont express how they feel around there friends about there girlfriends because it make then sound 'gay' to use the words 'love'..oh and one last thing, if he could give me great sex, that would definitely make the relationship work. P.s, if your out there and you can give me all of the above, BE MINE!?

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