
finger licking good

Ask @NatalieAnderson12345

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I'd give you what you want too! But that's just what i wanna do to you more than anything even just once

no, not once. well, actually... depends who is doing it tbf

i know i did thats why it wasnt a question but im that type of guy what i just said but somehow girls dont want that thats why ur cool and know what a boy wants and is this anon xxx

yeah it is anon xx

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Yeah i wanna go so hard that i bring you to tears!

i wouldnt let you do that, i dont want to cry during sex. i want to enjoy it, nice and slow so me & the person im doing it with both get benefits out of it

i know this isnt a question but i know what type of guy your after a guy who treats you right an dguy who isnt selfish hes always nice never goes behind your back compliments you when your not expecting it and he will protect you with his life loves you for who you are!! you seem a loverly girl! xxx

omfg, you've got it spot on!xxx

I wanna pull apart your arse cheeks with my hands and pound your pussy as hard as i can go with my 8 inch dick!

pull apart my ass cheeks and pound my fanny?

lmao well i hope she fucking dies, she blocked me lmao and lol i delete my account then lmao

couldnt find you anyway you sick minded fuck! wait until i find out who this is! you nasty prick! come on, take it off anon. stop hiding behind you computer you keyboard worrier and reveal yourself you twat. come on!

you did

no i didnt, and i am going to find out who you are. the girl that you inboxed has popped up to me and she's telling me who you are

but now you are saying your glad this person friend has died?

did i say that? if you look through my answers. i didnt say the words:
now fuck off

they didnt believe me but i still kept saying laods of things to them about stuff im making up you said lmao


someone you have as a friend on facebook has posted a picture of a friend who has died so i inboxed the person who posted the photo 'Natalie Anderson is saying your friend deserved to die' lmao

im not thick, how many more times do you want to tell me?
you didnt tag my name in it.

its not hard to understand lmao i basically added loads of people who u ave as friends on fb and looked thru theire profiles and one girl posted a picture of their friend who had died and i inboxed them telling them you said she deserved to die lmao

thats so fucking hilarious.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, well if they believed you then they are some gullible twats

let me make it simpller for you -i added loads of your firiends who you have on fb -some of them accepted - il ooked through loads of there profiles -one girl had posted a picture of their friend who dided -i inboxed them saying you said they deserved to die its not that hard to understand lmao

you inboxed them saying that I said they deserved to die?

whoever smelt it dealt it.

whoever did the rap did the crap.
whoever denied it, supplied it.
whoever explains it, claims it

lol i went through your friends added loads of people and loads of them accepted and one of your friends posted a picture of their friend who dided and iinboxed them saying that you said your glad her friend died lmao

say what?


Language: English