
Riley Giles

Ask @RileyGiles

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If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box?

no doubt, I would defend my country

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G A Y GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!! You are a gross human being!!!! Ewww!! Please don't get a tattoo or any more piercing!!! And can u please inbox me I need to talk to you!

im not getting any more piercings, and I cant get tats till im 18 anyway, so don't stress! and okay :)

why do you want tattoos?

honestly, because each tattoo I want symbolises something different. if our body is a temple, why not decorate it? the tattoos I want represent how I feel, how I REALLY feel. so don't judge me without knowing my story. thankyou and goodbye

5 confessions

1) I prefer to be alone, than to be with people
2) I've already thought out my career
3) Im shy around people I don't know
4) People think I'm dumb because im naturally blonde, but im actually really smart
5) Im more upset than people actually think

What’s the one most important thing to get done today?

i got all the important things I wanted to do today, done <3

Thoughts on me xx miss ya

Jake Bowen
omg Jake!! it feels like forever since I've seen you. you are the funniest guy ever, you can always put a smile on my face. you have an amazing personality. you're really trustworthy and so nice. we should catch up! x miss you
Liked by: Jake Bowen

Impersonation of Tina

I will kick you in the balls if you do not shut up!
omg I don't get this :(
math is so stupid!
Im never going to be a math teacher!
**does a cartwheel**
im swear im going to go to futsal on Tuesday
**doesn't go to futsal**
I couldn't be bothered going, I want to sleep!
I'll be at school soon!! Mum isn't ready yet!
**hugs me**
I want chocolate
im going to punch you
omg shut up

Impersination of Lena?

nah kidding, here we go:
why did you blend your fairy?! that's so mean!
stop trying to sell me muffins!
someone swim with me at the beach tomorrow?
but Miss!! me and riley think the same, so we cant exactly help it when we get the same answers in our assignment! please don't think we're cheating!!!!
omg food!
I don't know what to do :(
help me!!
I ripped myself into pieces while I was sleeping.
**takes shoes off**
**runs over and does a ninja kick**
WAH!!! I kicked you!
that chocolate didn't taste very nice, but it does taste nice when you finish it
you muffin seller!!
omg I want food
give me back my M'n'Ms!!
**does a cartwheel**
**flips hair**
I have music and I don't want to gooo :(((
fwuwo pug hug!!
Im gonna go to futsal on Tuesday
**doesn't go to futsal**
Im gonna go to futsal on Friday
**doesn't go to futsal**
Im going to spit on the muffin you gave me!
that's the best I could do. sorry x

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Language: English