
Riley Giles

Ask @RileyGiles

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Ho on school?

School is getting out of hand. Only today did the principals pulls students out of class to fix their uniforms. This place is now so consumed with the way that kids look, rather than their overall education. As far as I'm concerned, a piercing in your tongue or nose, and dyed hair, and black socks, don't affect the way you learn whatsoever. What matters, is how well you do in school. Schools are telling children that their looks and the way they act is more important than what's in their brain, and this is something that needs to be advised. Rather than telling children the piercing in their nose is too "crazy" or "unappealing," why not tell yourself that you're the douche keeping children from their rights to education.

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Why are you so perfect?

if you knew me, you would know i am far from perfect. but thank you, and im positive you are too xx


Be yourself! If someone doesn't like you for who you are, then screw them. You deserve better. Don't be someone you're not. Have fun! Mess around a bit. Every guy likes humour. Just put yourself out there. I believe in you.
Liked by: Josh Gomez

Ajhdiwbdue u hang out with the ugliest girls

I'll have you know, that those "ugly girls," are my best friends. And I will not let you insult them. We have all been through so much together, and we will not let you take that away from us. They may not be your definition of "pretty," but they are my definition of perfect. You don't even have the fucking balls to come off anon. That's just low. If you're going to insult me or my friends, tell me who you are, or say it to my face, you little pussy ass bitch. Never insult them again.

10 prettiest girls in your grade

I honestly hate this question. Shouldn't everybody deserve to feel beautiful? Shouldn't everybody get the chance to feel pretty or handsome?
Not everything is about looks. Somme people need to go beyond looks. You could meet someone who is seriously ugly, but has the best personality, and has the biggest heart, but you wouldn't know, because you're too busy judging them on the way they look.


Language: English