

Ask @Sammiwammi16

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Don't you hate when you walk outside and someone throws a refrigerator at you?

Omfg yes! Like I'm tryna enjoy the bright sun and all of a sudden this big ass rectangle is flying at me

opinion on self harm?

It's a serious and sad habit and I'm sorry to those who have to use that as a release or distraction im here for you if anything doesn't matter who you are but please do not cut,punch, or harm yourself tonight stay strong
Liked by: madison Starr Lupee

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

Yea I'd probably donate it to some animal rescues since I love dogs

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They said you have ass but don't have boobs lol.

It's true I guess people talk about my butt more than my boobs but tbh it's all good I'm small I don't have to wear sports bra for sports xD

What would you do if you caught your present/future boyfriend wearing your panties and bra and about to put on a dress?

Uhm if probably laugh and be like tf you doing but be kinda suspicious too like so...

you have ass but no boobs

Well everyone has an ass and boobs cause if I had no ass how would I sit and if I didn't have boobs how would I keep my chest warm xp
Liked by: Lupee

Do you know anyone who does wrestling?

Yea I have 3 cousins my uncle he stopped though I got Peyton omfg he mainey Joey and of course my coach and other family friends


Language: English