

Ask @Sammiwammi16

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Whats your favorite to least favorite class and why?

English is my favorite because Mr.Haley is the homie and is always joking around and I have hella people I talk to I that class
My least favorite is math because I have Mr.Stearman and he's an asshole(he even admitted it) y'all had to be there cx

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If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

My grandpa, Mariska Hargitay, Ryan Gosling, Scarlett Johannson, and Julie

You look good with short hair.

Thanks I'm trying to let it grow though but today I had to cut my split ends xc

tbh, you hella cool and chill and I'm still waiting for our 1 on 1 aha

Bruh you on anon dumbass and bruh tomorrow at lunch let's go
Liked by: Lincoln

What's something every teen should know?

When you think school is going to get better trust me don't get your hopes up... it sucks,but don't drop out though try hard or be a drug dealer cx


Language: English