
Sea Bass

Ask @SebGamez

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haha its not like it was a serious question. Although that is exactly what lulu asked me and he was fucking serious!! :o go figure that one out! D: zapzapzap

JuliusJuha’s Profile PhotoJulius Juha
Wow, well that is a creepy question to ask. But Lulu is creepy, so it's ok!
Liked by: Julius Juha

are you pedantic enough to argue that the inherent goodness of a question can be systematically decided by whether or not it begins with a capital letter when written out?

Yes. I like to be asked question in a proper manner. The structure of a question comes before the actual content of it. The previous question may or may not have been a good question, however I couldn't look past the fact that it did not have a capital letter. This one doesn't have a capital letter either, by the way.

but but, i iz so pwetty!! :3 zapzap (the zapzap is my signature XD)

Yeah, I kind of figured it was your signature! Still a weird question though...

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is this a good question? if so why?

It is not a good question, because it does not contain a capital letter at the beginning of it. However, you got the question mark correct, so well done on that!

Can you cook? If so, cane you make a peyote soup? (i love annoying you)

I can't cook. No. I will not make you peyote soup!

What is the most"douchebag-esque thing" you've ever done?

Completely ignored one of my friend's seemingly important problem

hi sebastien :) we havent talked in what feels like ages haha. hows lifeeeee? :D im not allowed to go on fb at home :( but i have to ask you a few stuff about a few things that i've heard so we'll talk sometime ^^ how did your exam week go?

Hey there! :) I'm alright, exams have been alright, we'll talk at some point I guess (y)

FaggotHero, we need your help!!! CaptainBigCock is attacking the SouthernShitCastle!!! we need you and ur CuntNoob army to fight along our side and win against those Niggers!!

Right Julius, your fantasy has run wild again?
Liked by: Julius Juha

what motivates you the most

Being praised and being good at something motivates me to continue that particular activity.

dude, like two thirds of the people asking you shit are cunts. ain't no thang

I'm honestly not getting that much hate, and the hate I'm getting is very poor, they need to step up their game.


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