
Sea Bass

Ask @SebGamez

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Did you ever fall asleep in school?

Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies.

Do you think sites like 4 chan have horrible communities

No I don't, you just need to take it lightly and as a joke.

Which famous person have you met or been close to?

I've met quite some 'famous' or 'semi-famous' people, as an example, the band Enter Shikari which I've had an interview with.

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

"I love you, but I am stopping you from living fully."

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

Rich and famous - anyone who says those people are unhappy just lie to themselves, there's nothing better than being rich.

If you could choose a special talent, what would you pick?

Balancing a firecracker on my dick while juggling mouse traps.

whats the funniest tHing you ever did to someone who was pissing you off

Pointing out a flaw or mistake they make, so that it shames them into not annoying me anymore.

i agree with journey being your fav game, it's so good :)

Journey's an absolute work of art, deviates a lot from the standard which games try to follow. Technically it's also very impressive :)

least favourite/ and favourite/ things that are naturally found in the sky

Least favourite is relatively close stars compared to my favourite which are further away stars.


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