
Hi there.

Ask @SerenTownsend

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Donu ever get it wen u really have to pee but ur thirsty so u take the drink to the toiet with u

I know who this is;) & yes I do get it

Beautiful, if your happy ignore them, c:♡

Aw Thanku& again, I want to use white hearts they look cool!♥

Callume Duncan is ugly as fuck u can do better

Not to me & personality means more..and I can even if I could I wouldnt cus I love him :)

Healthy, m8 she jst said she loves all food ha. Quit defemdin her shes a twat nd she desereves to die, yh I sed it die.

Lots of people love food:/ um.. sorry if I've ever upet or annoyed you bro, amd if I truley deserve these harsh commemts from you for whatever it is I have done then continue as it seems to help you cope with your anger. Again sorry :/ im not gona say anything harsh, but no one deserves to die and I hope you didnt mean that. ?

Favorite food?

Really, that like asking your teacher where she works-.-
I love most food haha yes I am a fatty.


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