
Hi there.

Ask @SerenTownsend

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(1)best friend at sta (2)fav animal (3)best feature (4) thongs or g(5) some one u wish your knew better (6)best friend 7)biggest turn offs(8)current underwear and colour (9)do u like anyone ATM (10) fav movie (11) fav sport (12) something u love doing please :) :D

I have lots, um what's sta?:s
I love cats but seals are so cute.
Um, my eyes? idek.
Thobgs or g? Um wtf.
I think you mean 'knew' quite a few people tbh.
Best friend? isn't that question number 1?:s
A bad kisser.
Purple and pink boxers and bra aha.
I love my boyfriend.
21 jump street, superbad, step brothers and get them to the greek.


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