
Ebba Amalia Hansson

Ask @Sezzas

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If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Eat! No question about it. I hate being hungry, but I can stand being awake a little longer and I can definitely stand being gross.

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What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

There's nothing to say cx What I think is obvious and I feel no need to preach about it cause to me it's not as much of an issue in the world anymore c: (Homophobia I mean.) Just like it feels pointless preaching about how you're worth the same whether you're black or white etc - it just feels stupid because OBVIOUSLY you are. We should be past that time period, we shouldn't have to explain that ;w; It's a disgrace if we have to.

What are your favorite junk foods?

French fries, onion rings, Mc'Donalds burgers. That's the shit I like the most I think xD

If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

Probably Spanish. I know the basics but I've forgotten most of it, and it'd be really useful to know. I /want/ to know it, I'm just too lazy to study.

Which do you choose truth or dare?

Truth. I value being honest, but I'm a wimp that doesn't like just doing spontaneous pointless stuff, like kissing a random person or dancing in my underwear, so the choice for me is easy.

Do you think dogs are really man's best friend?

I think they definitely can be and it's the animal that most people find easiest to love and live with. But being an animal lover there are so many animals I love and there's plenty I admire way more than dogs. I don't disagree with the saying, but I do think it keeps some people narrow-minded and excludes other species when it comes to love from us humans. If you take time to understand an animal and communicate with it, any animal can be your best friend. ^-^

Who will be the next person you will kiss?

pFFF, you tell me since I haven't had my first kiss yet! Soooo.. I would like to guess whoever will be my first boyfriend?

Cheetos or Doritos?


If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

Honestly? Any way they're comfortable with, as long as the message would be somewhat clear. Since I haven't really had that happen to me yet, my standards aren't very high cx Of course, if I like them back it would be more convenient if it was face to face, and then it wouldn't be as awkward meeting afterwards.

What's your favorite coat modifier gene?

That's a hard question, but I think I will have to go with Cream! Cream just creates a lot of really gorgeous coats that actually have that "creamy" look. I also love incomplete dominance, as in it matters whether the horse is homozygous for the gene or not, because the outcome will be different. So that'll have to be my answer c:

If you had to pick one totter from your herd to be sucked into the time vortex, which would it be?

Phina Wolf
I don't really know what that means, or how I would be able to choose and why, so I'm just gonna.. quietly skip this one cx

Which sandwich topping would you be and why?

Hm. This was hard, but I would probably be lettuce or something like that. Not many people want me on their sandwich - not necessarily because they don't like me, but maybe they just don't think about adding me to their sandwich, or they don't really see the point. And when I'm actually on someone's sandwich, I'm not really noticed, cause I don't taste much. Not as much as the other toppings, at least.
(Yes, I am a very poetic person and I'm not even embarrassed by this answer. It fits.)

@lizzzavine asks, "Would you rather have crazy turbulence on a flight or only be able to eat through your nostrils?”

Only being able to eat through my nostrils sound horrible, so I would have to go with a crazy turbulence on a flight, as long as it's assured I won't die or the plane will crash..

Where do you come from?

I'm from Sweden, has always lived in Sweden. I was originally born in Stockholm but when I was just about 2 years old my mom moved (my parents are divorced since then) and currently I live close to Gothenburg c:

What's your dream job?

Since I was a tiny kid it has always been "Animal Keeper". That's still one of my dream jobs, but as I've gotten older I have explored some other of my interests. I would still /love/ to be able to work with animals, but I've also thought about production/editing/shooting etc. It has just always interested me to create videos, content and films and such, and I feel like that area may be something I should explore further.

@carlyincontro asks, "Would you rather sneeze glitter or cough confetti?”

I feel like coughs are easier to supress and confetti is easier to clean up. Imagine eating and then sneezing glitter all over the table - you woldn't be able to eat anything. If I was coughing up confetti I would at least be able to see the pieces and possibly remove them. I dunno, I just don't want to mess with glitter, man.


Language: English