
Abbott Veldhuizen

Ask @Silmerion

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Get out Bart, I'm Drink?

Is this a Simpsons reference? I'll be honest, I never watched much of the Simpsons - parents wouldn't let me until I was about twelve, by which point all anyone did was talk about how much worse it had gotten. Never became attached.

Are you still watching CEOtaku since the anime fighters are over?

Well, it's CEO, not CEOtaku. (Though if you were tuning in having just found out about the event, I could understand - the big ads for CEOtaku probably misled you. I'm actually planning to attend CEOtaku in October!)
Nah, I'm out for a little bit, possibly for the night. I basically got what I wanted out of CEO yesterday with Guilty Gear top 8.

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How do you feel about the new Persona?

I'm ridiculously excited. Seriously considering taking a day off work after it drops and playing the hell out of it. Persona games are such a good time, and Persona 5 in particular looks fantastic.

What kinds of video games do you wish you could spend more time with but for whatever reason you avoid and why?

Strategy games, both turn-based and real-time. I actually avoid the two subgenres for different reasons! RTSes feel overwhelming to me - like many first-person shooters, they represent a huge conglomeration of game mechanics I never really learned and that now intimidate me. On the other hand, turn-based strategy games are often games I wish I could get into but ultimately just can't be arsed to play. I wish I could enjoy Fire Emblem, but I just can't get into those games. Couldn't tell you exactly why.

What kinds of questions would you like us to ask?

You do whatever you gotta do, though I guess if I had my choice I'd prefer you keep them appropriate for someone who keeps his personal, named, pic'd Twitter account public.

Daddy, tell me the story of the first time you DP'd somebody. Also, tell me the story of the first time your dragon punched an opponent in a fighting game

Jesus, the first time I actually pulled off a shoryu in a real match? Man. Long time ago. I started playing 2D fighters when I was 15, I think? DP motions were hard back then. Nobody was willing to play against me because nobody in my tiny hometown played fighters. It was probably some random time I had someone over, forced them to play Accent Core with me, and caught them with Hachisubako.

Do you have a blog? I seem to recall you having a blog at some point.

Not currently, unfortunately! I still own the throwsare.cheap domain, but I let its content expire last October on accident. I plan to get it stood up again sometime this spring, after which I'm going to post my Top 16 Anime list there.

I've been looking to travel... Do you think the Uruk-Hai are out of New Zealand yet?

I've heard New Zealand is stunning at all times of the year. I'd love to go there someday, so my advice is you can't go wrong, and also yes, they're probably gone.

Reddit has recently been a increasingly open avenue for advertising. By boosting celebrity AMAs, comments and posts, and have done nothing to stop the people paid to market on reddit. Their 'we won't be shills' non-intrusive and marked ad system is reddit gold, which is paid for. WTF are they doing?

From the sounds of distress you're making, I think what they're doing is bringing you face-to-face with the inescapably corporate nature of 2015's predominant online social spaces. If you thought reddit was some bastion of ethics, think again! There's no such thing as ethical capitalism.

Do you think that Reddit's increased monetization activities needs to be announced as the money pours into Reddit while people are still consistently buying 'enough' reddit gold?

I'm having a hard time parsing this question, but I assure you that even if I weren't, I 100% do not care how reddit handles its finances.

How disappointed are you that Nintendo didn't just call Female Link.... Link? https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/664935411454640128

Not really at all? That's not an especially shocking decision, especially since they're clearly different characters in Hyrule Warriors. I guess I'd be confused if this were a mainline Zelda title with a female Link and they'd gone with Linkle, but that's not the case here.
That said, Linkle is such an awkward name. If they were trying to feminize Link's name, surely they could have done better than that.

Have you ever played SolarQuest?

No, but I just looked it up and it looks pretty cool! I love exploring tabletop games, so I'd give it a try.


Hah, I'm fine. Just a check-up, and I'll be asking for a prescription for blood pressure meds.

What is your favorite thing about summer?

Shorts and light shirts.
But at this point, I'm just glad summer's close to over. Late August/early September are a pain, bring on sweater weather!

Is there a movie you wish more people would watch?

This isn't a very interesting answer, but I wish more people would /watch/ Citizen Kane instead of just talking about it. It's really, really good, absolutely deserves its reputation, and it taught me a lot about cinematography.

Have you tried playing hearthstone?

I haven't. I really ought to, though - Hearthstone is an important player in the emergent online card game space and will probably tell me a lot about how designers are currently approaching that space.

Who is your favorite planeswalker?

Tamiyo and Nahiri are my favorites! I love their lore and am looking forward to seeing more of them.


Language: English