
Abbott Veldhuizen

Ask @Silmerion

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Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

National Sweet Butts Day, a day of consensual and nonthreatening communal appreciation of sweet butts.

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Would you follow the white rabbit?

This QOTD is at least two references and I wonder if ask.fm's mean user is old enough to get either of them.

Do you speak any Japanese? Your continued criticisms of the diction in UBW seem bizarre, given that you're watching a fansub.

I don't speak any Japanese. My exposure to F/SN comes from the first route of the VN and the UBW anime, and neither have had great writing. I've been assured that it's actually amazing in Japanese, but the people assuring me of that have provided translations that sound even /worse/ to me, so I don't know. Obviously, I'll never experience The Source Material As Intended By God; like most people, I'm making due the best I can. And besides, specific language choices aside, Fate's attempts at theming just /feel/ clumsy - like, does Archer really need a five-minute monologue to call Shirou naive?

Are you rebel and stubborn, or submissive and obedient?

Okay, so this question is a great opportunity to get a little meta. This is one of five questions I received in the span of about twenty seconds at 8:06 am. These bursts of questions happen to me about once a week, maybe less, and often contain some assortment of questions I've answered before from the same source (for example, this burst had "Do you wear glasses?"). Some of the questions are pretty goofy - for a while they kept asking me about being literally kicked in the butt - and sometimes they're not quite grammatically correct.
Are any of you asking me these questions, or is this some strange automated thing ask.fm does?

Did they allow you to smile in the picture or were you one of the rebellious ones?

They allowed me. Do they sometimes now?

Would you say it's Fine?

Now that I've got this, yeah. Still gotta get my title transferred and get new plates, but it's a start.

What's the part you dislike most about Columbus?

Although the city is laid out extremely well for driving, it would be awesome to have an actual public transit system, at least downtown.

How is everything

Other than this BMV garbage, pretty good! I had a very relaxing weekend. I finished Rin's route in Katawa Shoujo last night, which means I can finally say I've played every route. Tonight's a UNIEL tournament and I feel fairly prepared for it. There's a new episode of Sound! Euphonium coming out soon.

What do you mean, "You People"?

I had already had a couple of people poke me on Twitter about it. You Ohioans are so defensive of your nonstandard acronyms.

Did you move out of Ohio? We only have BMVs here.

Oh my gosh. You people. Yes, you're correct, it's the BMV, but DMV doesn't look like a typo to non-Ohioans.

Are there any PC games you currently play or are currently interested in checking out?

I started playing Mortal Kombat X yesterday and will probably join my brothers for StarCraft II every Sunday for the foreseeable future.

you asked me so I'm gonna ask you Why do I play Jam

I've owed you this response for a few weeks now! Sorry, bro.

People play fighting games for all kinds of reasons. I think you play them because you want to beat people up real bad. You get all giddy at big damage swings caused by combos that have a real sense of physicality to them - this is also why you like Potemkin and Sol. Consequently, you don't want a lot of complexity getting in the way of that - involved setplay feels like one more hoop to jump through to get to the things you actually want out of the game.

Jam is well-positioned to offer you what you want out of a fighting game. She's got big gorilla normals that are also super fast, a limited but brutishly effective gap-closing toolset, and oki that doesn't need set-up to soft counter wakeup options. She gives you those big-excitement moments for a minimum of effort.

Also you think she's a cutie.

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Liked by: Benjamin Campbell

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

An MMO that delivers on the unspoken promise of living, breathing virtual reality.

It means bad yes

There are lots of bad anime. Like, if you ask me about a specific anime I could screen it for you, but I don't really keep a running list of anime I don't care for, and your tastes might differ from mine anyway.

What anime is ribbontits from so I can avoid it at all costs

Does this mean "bad", or are you literally asking me what anime to avoid based on breast size?

So I was thinking of one of two things for Jam's parry if it was a Yomi thing: One is like I explained earlier, call out red or black when you place a block, if you're right you parry the attack and do full combo. Other idea I had was on block you and the opponent can play another card immediately.

Here's one I like better than either of those: "If you follow up this dodge with a Charged special attack, you may continue your combo. You can play this dodge while knocked down."

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

Yes, it's true, ask.fm QotD: I make every decision at the same speed. Remarkable, I know. Fascinating question. Thank you for asking me.

Why won't you answer our silly questions? Where is the love? Have you lost that loving feeling?

Sorry, anon. As recompense, here's a gif I like.


Language: English