

Ask @SparksKisses12

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What is something you miss doing from when you were younger?

I definitely miss the lack of worry. As a child all I worried about was food and watching cartoons on Saturdays. It was so easy and simple being a child sometimes I miss that especially now as an adult there's a lot of things to worry about.

have u read anything of anha (republicans on wattpad) if u have, tell me if she is good b/c i see people reading her stories (especially some book called stars) and i don't know if its good so i want to get someone's opinion on it

Not yet but you should definitely check her out. You won't know if you like something unless you try it :)

Does it seem fair to you that people put prices on their songs for others to buy and listen to?

I mean I get it from a business perspective. You want to make money and if that is your only source for income then I understand. But then again I love it when I can get the album for free or download it free cause I am not made of money.


Language: English