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I was at my friend's house (Im a girl) and I was sitting with one of my best friends. She swears she isn't into girls, but she kept putting my hand on her boobs and cuddling me and letting me spoon her. I really like her and I think we need to talk but I'm not sure how to approach her... What do?

Leave it for a bit.. see if this happens more.. and see if her attitude changes around you.. basically try and confirm that she likes you. Msybe go to her house or she comes to yours and see what happens?:) - Jake

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I threw all my problems at my 2 best online friends. I can't forgive myself. I think they're mad / annoyed at me. I don't know what to do. I apologized but I know that's not good enough. I'm just so worthless.

Tell them that you are so sorry and that you really like them and you just had a moment and you accidentally freaked out. And it won't happen again. That they are your bffs and you don't want to lose them.
-Jackie <3

My long distance boyfriend broke up with me last night after we had been together for a year, he said the distance is too much, we live 6 hours apart (by train) & I'm truly in love with him, I don't think I will ever get over him but he seems to be completely fine with it all. What do i do? :(

Fight for him. Tell him you will try to get together more often (meet half way or something)
Say that you love him and can't let him go. If he doesent feel the same then he's not worth it
Liked by: Shelby Moxon

I fancy this girl, shes a transgender and she looks exactly like a boy. Im a girl btw, would this make me pansexual or bisexual? I'm originally straight

Either. It doesent matter though. We are all human and love is love no matter what. Xoxo

So my ex best friend once said to me that if one of her friends died she would be a bit upset at first but then she wouldn't really care and she would move on. And then I asked her what about me as I thought I was her best friend and she said the same thing. It really hurt me. What should I do?

Tell her that her saying that really hurt you and that she shouldn't have said that. Be friendly about it and not rude or mean. :)

The boy I like asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes :) what do I do now? haha

You are now bf and gf... Go update your status! Lol
Just text and talk on the phone and FaceTime un till you both feel comfortable hanging out (out side of school) then go see a movie or go out to dinner after a few "dates" you will both be comfortable and you can probably just hang at home and watch tv and cuddle and stuff
:) congrats.

Thankyou so much jackie<3 and you're the first one to wish :') and the date is 20th january

Awesome! Good luck <3
Xoxo :)
-Jackie <3

I'm a 14 yr old girl...is it bad if my boyfriend is too scared to like rub my thighs???!?

No. He's probably nervous and scared for a wrong reaction. Be kind and when he's ready or when he's wiling he will make a move. Xoxo
-Jackie <3

12 isnt to young to start masterbaiting? i started at 11

I said it was an excuse.. I don't have an opinion.
-Jackie <3

im 14 year old girl and my little sister who is 12 caught me masturbating. She ask me to teach her how to masturbate. what should I do

If I was you I would come up with an excuse.
Tell her that you where simply scratching up there.. And if that doesn't work tell her she is too young and it's not okay yet
-Jackie <3

I dont have kik

Please stay strong. Try to distract yourself and try to find things that make you happy
-Jackie <3

I just wanted to say, I dont have a father or a bestfriend no siblings and i hardly see my mother. Everyone at school hates me

Do you have a kik?

I masturbate 5 times a day is that normal. im 13 guy

It's human nature... I think. All my guy friends say that.
-Jackie <3

Im done with life, youre advice help a little thanks. Goodnight forever

Please don't end it. What are your parents going to do if you died? They would find you dead. Your mum would cry for hours and call your dad. He rushes to your room to see is baby curled up on the floor... Dead. How will your best friend react? She/ he will now be cutting and wishing they where dead like you. Think about your siblings and how they wished they where nicer to you. Think about your friends who have been there for you. Some of them tried to die too but didn't succeed like you did.
Don't do it. Think of everyone around you who needs you

To the person bleeding from their bottom: if it's really red blood it's most likely piles, an anal fissure (a tear in the anus) or a small cut etc. If it's dark blood (really red/black) then it's higher up the gastric tract and could be internal bleeding ~Nicole

Thank you :)
Liked by: Soph

I'm bleeding from my butthole. Is that normal? And it really hurts.

No it's not normal. You should call a doctor...
-Jackie <3


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