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this boy and i have been talking again for like the past couple of days, we don't know each other but he told me he loves me even though we will never meet and i have feelings for him but i don't know if he's telling the truth. we stopped talking for three months and after like four days he loves me

Well I think that love is such a strong word and I think that the next time he says that be loves you ask him how he knows it's love and if he has a rational exclamation then he probably does. It takes a long time to fall in love with someone but if he says it he might mean it
-Jackie <3

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So I really like this boy who is two years older den me nd I don't know if he likes me back like we were at this thing for a club we both go to and I always run my fingers through my hair and then he was like you always do this and came up like 2 inches from my face and ran his fingers 1/4

.good luck <3

2/4) and then he ran his fingers through my hair and then just kind of stepped back and then later on he goes to me do this trust excersise with me and there were load of his friends around aswell but he made me do it with him and there was only a pillow in between our bodies and we had to hold


3/4) and we had to hold hands and make sure the pillow didn't drop like and then he got a tier thing from a dressing gown and was like I can be your horsie and you can ride me, and he's always pulling my hair and stuff like he pulled my hair and said into my neck I'm never letting you go


4/4 so like I'm confused cause he is always kissing all the girls on the cheeks and hugging them but never ever me like so what? I'm confused cause we don't necessary get along. Does he like me How so and what about the two year age difference, tell me why you think he does or doesn't like me thanks

Hey, sorry I couldn't Answere earlier. I think that your age difference doesn't matter. He flirts with you and that's good. You should flirt back and see if he makes a move/ asks you out. You have a pretty good chance. If he kisses other girls cheeks or hugs them. Act like your jealous and he will probably hug and kiss you too. Make sure you are very friendly. You can also ask him who he likes and if you are brave, ask him if you and him would have a chance to be more then friends. Xoxo hope I helped! Xoxo
-Jackie <3

I think my friend and my boyfriend have a thing for each other, I've asked them both about it and they're both denied it but they always flirt and when we're all together sometimes it feels like they don't even know I'm there! any advice on what I can do? it's really getting me down :/

You should tell him "you are my boyfriend and I trust you and it makes me kinda jealous/ mad when you flirt with *insert name* and It makes me feel like you like her more then me and it makes me feel bad because I really like you but if you keep flirting with her then I don't know of we are going to work and I really want you in my life." And take it from there. Hope I helped :)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/105806604262 i messaged him he said its fine but he doesnt want to talk to me anymore so he blocked me again i sent him a long para explaining it but i guess he doesnt wanna know me anymore i wasted my time worrying over him :/

Well it's better than nothing isn't it sweetie? I'm glad you're not worrying anoymore. I doubt it's the fact he doesn't want to know you anymore. It's probably just that he feels betrayed x

I have a question I like thisvgirl andvshe means the worldtome but she got with her boyfriend instead of me and I told her multiple times and nothing is going to happen and I'm in love with her help me

If she's still with her boyfriend. Sadly you just have to wait because most likely... They are gonna break up or they are going to get married. Be her friend for as long as you can after and then you might want to make a move (After they break up) Sorry hun. Only time can tell :/ Good luck! Everything happens for a reason. Xoxo
-Jackie <3

I like my friend's ex andi don't want to ruin our friendship but I also really wanna be with that person

My friends date my exs. I don't mind, if the ex askes you out you might want to tell your friend and ask if they are cool with you goin out.
-Jackie <3

Jackie I don't understand how to find the IP address? Someone sent me a question on anon, do I have to answer it first to find the IP address? I don't get it

After you Answere it. Go on to a computer/ laptop and google website to ip. And then you copy and past the website link of the anon question and then after that. You get the ip and you open another tab and Search "IP tracker" and another website comes up and you past the IP address and it tells you all the information about that persons phone/iPod/ computer. And usually parents own them so it would be last names you would look for. :)
-Jackie <3

P- about the guy who blocked me,do you think I should give him more time like 3 months? He suffers from depression, anxiety and he has trust issues due to past relationships with girls,the thought of it sickens him and makes him feel bad. I don't wanna be the reason he hurts himself, Im worried:'(

Sweetie calm down. You're stressing yourself out. He may have all that, but I doubt he'd hurt himself because of what you do. It's your own choice how much time you give him. Some people would say days, some weeks, some months. It's all down to when you think you're ready to explain why you did it x
Liked by: Advice :))

I love what you guys do, you spend time helping people and trying to make them feel better. We could use more people like all of you in the world!! You guys are so wise, kind and helpful. How old are all of you? Great job guys!!

Aw thankyou sweetieheart :') things like this mean a lot to us all<3.
Myself, Jackie & Bry are 14.
Jake is 16.
Owen is 18 :)

People are asking questions to certain people about me and the questions are making me look bad, not the first time it has happened. Any advice? Thank you.

Don't let it get to you. Ask the people Nicely to take them down or you can block/ report the question and ask will take them down with in 48 hrs. Hope I helped, stay strong <3
-Jackie <3

I was wondering if you knew any celebrities that will respond on either Kik or ask fm

I highly doubt they're real. Any on kik or ask. Try Twitter if you want something like that

One of my best friends lives in Canada, and I'm going to mail him a small bracelet and a letter. How many stamps should I use?

Well it depends on where you live. If you live in the US it would have to be weighed and I'm guessing it would be about 6-10 stamps.
-Jackie <3

okay :) I'm on my second one (it has to be changed every 3 years) the last one was fine but this one gets really itchy at times and was wondering if that was normal? x

From what I can see & remember, I suggest seeing a Doctor to make sure. I'm not overally sure on this. Sorry sweetie x
Liked by: ToPfo0l

does any of you have an implant in their arm? the type that stops you getting pregnant? x

None of us have that. Is thee something you need help with though sweet? X

P- well the problem was... this may sound harsh but hes gay and he thought I was a guy when I was actually pretending temporary he had his hopes up and he was so happy I told him the truth after 2 days but he just read it and blocked me im worried what he's thinking about right now I feel bad :'(

It doesn't sound harsh sweet, I understand. Same thing happened to me..
But I know you miss him, I know you feel bad. The only thing you can do is move on.
You could message him again and say sorry, explain why you did it and so on. But he might not reply which might make you feel worse x


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