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I ask you one evry day but you keep ignoring them ? :(

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im 15 i dont know if i should shave with a eletric shaver or a razor im a boy:)

I use an electric razor butbits completely down to choice - Jake

I'm baby sitting my friends baby brother;and when I was changing his diaper he had bumps on his penis what does that mean is this normal?

Tell the parents what they saw, and just say you were worried about it - Jake

so there is this guy i like and i text him and snapchat him but i'm always the one who has to get the conversation started. does that mean he doesn't want to talk?

It depends on what he says, if he is quite blunt in his replies then he doesn't want to, if he isn't then maybe hes just busy a lot - Jake

I like this boy but I don't think I'd ever date him.. like I really like him but I don't want to date him. what should I tell him?

Soo, it's a crush? Not a fancy? If he likes youu, and brings it up, then say what youu just told me, but if he doesnt bring it up, then i wouldnt say anything because it may make it awkward or lead him on? -Gemma

Everytime i like a guy i talk to him and we get closer but then we always seem to fade away how do i stop this from happening

Maybe dont be so forward about your feelings? I think that some guys kind of feel freaked out by it!! Just act cool, and go with the flow! But certainly dont how youu feel completely -Gemma

trying to say i did it to get the girl kicked out. Many people have my iTunes password, and i know that the girl did it and is trying to frame me for it. WHAT DO I DO?! The teacher is going to kick me out, and i didnt do anything!!

Well firstly you need to change your Itunes password, as they can pay for stuff! Never give anything like that away! Secondly, if youu love dance then prove to your teacher that you really want it! After all, who wants to get rid of an amazing student when they arent absolutely certain that they have done anything wrong! Maybe speak to the girl, not shouting or texting, just speak to her face to face and dont show that youu are worried or upset, and ask why she think youu would frame her! Dont make accusations though xxxx -Gemma

(part 1) Okay so on Sunday i got an awful text from a girl at my dance studio.I told my teacher and she talked to the girls mom and it wasnt on her phone records. now theyre trying to say it was me because a texting app was downloaded on my phone on SAturday. I DID NOT do this and theyre


ive liked a boy now for a year, I only know him because he got on my coach when we went to college. One of his friends is with my friends but he has a gf which he argues with a lot. Apparently he liked me, But I havnt seen him since july and hes still with his gf:/ Should I add him on social sites?

Yehh, why not! If youu know him and you two are friends, there is nothing wrong with that xxx -Gemma

Ok I need help theirs is this guy I am in love with I have a huge crush on him and I thot he liked me back mean I always ketch him starring at me and and smiling at me but now he has a gf. And I think it's cos I rejected him once but it's cos I was scared but I still like him and I still ketch himxx

Sounds like, he did like you, but he thought you had no interest so he moved on, don't try and split up him and his girlfriend, just gotta accept he moved on to a different girl :( - Jake

Im very sorry. I will wait! Thank you! I just thought you werent going to answer!

We answer everything we are given, if for some reason your question hasn't come through, or we take very long to answer (And still haven't answered) Let us know, and re send it okay? - Jake

Jake will you please do a selfie but a different one than the one on your Kik please!

If you message me on kik, i'll send one - Jake

Guys how about give everyone that likes this gets a rate like pretty hot beautiful cute I'd date you marry me etc. don't be chicken!!

I would if I had the time


We do have other questions. Everyone is equal so I don't see why I should answer yours straight away. We all need time to answer questions. Either wait or I won't answer it now.

I was only wondering what the big fuss was about which is why I asked the ages... sorry:/

I wasn't having a go at you, I just needed to genuinely say I don't know why people are bringing my relationship into it again, no need to be sorry. I'm sorry if you thought I was snapping at you x


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