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Explain this: Summer;Hair gets lighter,skin gets darker, water gets warmer,drinks get colder,music gets louder,nights get longer, life gets better'

I cant really, guess summer is just the best eh? - Jake

how many questions do you get roughly a day??

It varies so much so its hard to say.. normally about.. 20-60? - Jake

but surely youd give them practice questions and stuff and how would they deal with hate etc..

The same process was used with me ans Jackie, and we continue to use it now -Jake

basically how do you pick the people from a million applicants just look them up and see if they suit the bill or just anyone

We take our time and interview them. Just like a normal job process - Jake

My boyfriend is a popular football player :/ I don't play sports and he's skinny and I'm like fAt. I'm just popular i try to do sports but I just don't do them :/ in scared he'll find a skinny girl to date . I done my best to loose weight but it's hard for me

Darling he's with you for a reason! You don't need to change or worry about your weight for him, you're perfect the way you are! If he truly had an issue with your weight do you really think he would be with you? H likes you the way you are! If it makes you that uncomfortable talk to him about it and he should reassure you about the situation. X -Carly xxx

So my boyfriend posted a picture and tagged me in it, and his crazy ex-girlfriend started to comment on his post freaking out on him and saying he's a liar and a piece of shit and honestly...I don't know what to do. Any advice?

First of all check if he's okay,it'll be bothering him too! Then ignore her,she isn't part of him anymore and she has to understand that and respect the privacy of you both. Ask him why she is acting this way, they may have ended on bad terms in which case she would be hurting too, best thing is to talk it out with her and make sure she understands that she is not his girlfriend anymore so has to respect the fact that he has moved on x -Carly xxx

What's a good selfie quote for summer?

'Summer;Hair gets lighter,skin gets darker, water gets warmer,drinks get colder,music gets louder,nights get longer, life gets better' :) -Carly xxx

I texted a friend a few days ago. How should I bring up a convo again? We start school soon and also we discuses that we should get together soon.

Just talk like you guys used to,and ask to meet up at some point before school starts?:) x -Carly xxx


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