
Advice And Teen Support

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My friend slept over yesterday and we went to a festival and played. How should I tell her that I had fun

Just tell her :) just say 'hey! I had so much fun with you in the sleep over and at the festival thank you for coming with me I enjoyed myself I hope you did too :)' something similar to that - Chloe x

my parents fight and say things they shouldn't and I end us crying all day

You need to tell them that it makes you sad, and it may make them stop crying, because over all the arguing, their children is the most important thing to them! - Jake

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http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/116225347558 how can i move on if he treats me like this continually? he stares at me deeply everytime i see him, even before. This happens almost 5 years. Why would he treats me like this :((

Maybe try to not be around him as much? Are you like friends with him, does he know you like him? Have you talked to any of your friends about it? I know its horrible :( but sometimes the only thing you can do and the best thing to do... Is try and move on - Chloe x

Pippa, Jackie is not better then you honey.... I can promise you that!!!

Jackie, stop lying, I love you and all, but I kill you by smothering you with cuddles if you lie :*
Liked by: Jackie

theres this guy we havent met but hav spoke a few times n talked about cuddling lols just because it came up in convo he said he was feeling a bit down n I said ' I'd give you cuddles if I were there ' yeah heagreed but I had a dream that we liked each other n stuff now I think I like him a lil bit

How far away is him? Could you have a thing? Is it worth it? Do you know for a fact he's real and such?
Ask yourself those kinds of question
-Jackie <3

I've been clean from self harm for quite a long while now and my scars have faded, but are still really visible. No one around me knows I've harmed myself, so I feel like I have to keep covering up my wrist... Do you know if there's a way to make them fade more?

If you go to a local department store you can purchase scar gel and if you put that on your scars every day 2 times a day they will completely fade with in 1 week or less
-Jackie <3

I just found out my best friend is moving. it's not that far away, only about 5 blocks. she has been my neighbor since we were babies. the whole moving process takes about 3 months. how do I make he most out of our three months together? I mean we are still gonna be friends after she moves, but

I know how you feel... Just make the effort to be there... It's the same friendship just a different house... It will be okay :)
-Jackie <3

Chloe, you're the new admin right? I don't know you, it just seems to me that you're a great person, so is everyone else on this page, I don't know why, but yeah :) Share my page and ask me? Or whatever haha :P Thanks !!

You're Perfect, Darling
Well kind of, I'm on trial :) aww thank you! And sure :P - Chloe x

So, there's this guy who I met at first sight. I don't understand why I've always bumped into him. He's always stare at me deeply in my eyes. But he has a girlfriend, even before and now, I'm really can't forget him.

Well if he's got a girlfriend I don't think you should make a move or anything, I mean he must be happy if he's with her, try and think about maybe moving on? Maybe that's the best thing to do, to save you from getting hurt - Chloe x

I'm 43 days clean from self harm, but the last few days were horrible and so hard to get through. My scars are really fading and I feel lost. The suicidal thoughts are getting worse without them. I want to, but don't want to relapse. I want the voices in my head to shut up. I don't know what to do.

You've been so strong! you need to keep that up, I know it's really hard but it's important you do... okay? You feel lost at the moment but it isn't going to be like that forever, you need to keep up being strong, you know you can always talk to someone? whoever you feel comfortable in speaking to and you can get support to help you along too, your always welcome to message me on kik if you want to talk, you can message any of us <3 just hold on and keep up what you're doing... in time it will get better, try to also thing about positive things, that can help a lot although it's hard... but try - Chloe x

Whats your story chloe?

I don't really have a big story or anything :P depends what you wanna know I guess haha - Chloe :) x

I've liked this guy for ages. Recently my best friend has started liking him too. I'm very close to his family and his family don't really like my best friend. The worst part is she lies to me about him telling her that he likes her. What should I do? I think he likes me but I'm not sure, I value my

I think you should talk to your best friend about this, explain to her how you feel and just talk to her about the situation, bring it up lightly though... You don't want to argue or nothing just talk about it, does she know you like him? - Chloe x

Chloe have you ever self harmed like properly? Have you done it at all?

if you want to know anything personal like that you can message me on kik if you want :) but if you want any advice on actual self harm then feel free to ask on here or message any of us on kik... my names in the bio - Chloe :) x

Jake why cat fish what's wrong with jelly fish? :(

I'm a catman.. gotta go for the most related thing to a cat! -Jake


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