
Advice And Teen Support

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What can I use to self harm I need to :(

Instead of self harming, talk to me? Why do you feel like you want to self harm? :( - Chloe x

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im falling apart im feeling really depressed atm

why do you feel like that, what's up? If you want to talk to us more privately you can message any of us on Kik our names are in the bio - Chloe x

Chloe you sound like you are pretty

haha um.. I wouldn't say that :) but aww that's really sweet, thanks! - Chloe :) x

Chloe what do you loon like? If not its okay aha bye I like ur name. :)

what do I look like? and awww haha thanks :D - Chloe :) x

There's this guy I'm talking to and I really like him and he says he really likes me. But every time I try to have him over so he can meet my parents(they have to meet him before we can ever go anywhere) he always has an excuse of why he can't go. What does that mean?

It can mean a lot of things, I think maybe he's nervous about meeting your parents. That's what it sounds like and he's said he likes you, so he could just be like I said nervous and worried. I mean meeting someone's parents for the first time you're going to be nervous, never mind meeting the parents of someone you like. I think you should talk to him? Bring the subject up lightly and see what he say's I wouldn't worry about though, pick the right time and just try and talk to him... good luck :) - Chloe x

what do you mean on trial So your not staying

Well it all depends, if Pippa, Jackie and Jake like my answers and think I'm up to the job then I stay :)
If someones better suited to the job then they'll look for another admin :P
It's just a trial run, like I said if it goes well I stay - Chloe :) x

How long SHOULD you be dating someone before you have sex with them

Whenever YOU (not ANYONE else) feel that YOU are ready to have sex - Jake

Just wondering if a boy is inside you for like a second (like he doesn't cum/hasn't through the whole makeout session) can you get pregnant from Precum or am I safe. I'm terrified. Xx

You can indeed get pregnant from precum, as there is still a large amount of sperm in precum, would suggest getting a pregnancy test just to be safe - Jake

Also, should I ask my grandparents what my mom did to get in jail? I'm curious and am scared of what they're going to say. Or should I just not ask them at all?

You do have s right to know, the question is though is that can you handle the truth? If they wanna even tell you the truth -Jake

What would someone have to do to make you dislike them immediately?

Take my food away from me. I will find you, and when I do, I will kill you.
Liked by: Katy Mae

Im falling for a married women. Really bad. Ive had feelings for her way before she got married. I cant stop thinking about her

Sweetheart, you really need to just remove her from your life.
She's married. She's devoted her life to her husband, in sickness and in health. Till death do they part.
I know you've got feelings, but sometimes, its best to ignore how you feel for her. Try to distance yourself from her before something bad happens.

Everytime i have sex with my gf i always thing of someone else during sex with my gf. Me and my gf are fine and no problems with our relationship. its just i always think of another girl when i have sex with my gf. Help

Have you talked to her about this? That might just be your mind set and imagination getting the best of you... Nothing to worry too much about

I want to do the, 'the hearts project' but I don't want to feel judged...

People will judge you... But you can't let that get to you because some people will judge you but most will support you!

I want to post a silhouette picture of my friend and I facing the sunset. What's a good quote?

"No matter how serious life gets, you still have to have that one person to be completely stupid with"
"We're best friends we stick together, I meant it then I said forever"
"Friendship isn't about who's known you the longest, it's about who's never left your side"
Some examples
-Jackie <3


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