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Hi, can you give us a shoutout please?, We've just started being more active, yheres more than one person so questions will be answered quicker and more often, we help with any problems anyone has<3 Thanks<3

we are stronger together
- Jake
Liked by: Janene

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Part 6 *** please help me I don't know what to do

You need to tell her this.. the best person to support her, is you. If you don't know what to do? that's fine, as long as she has someone there. You need to call her and talk to her about this, or see her in person, either way is fine. What she needs right now is someone to be there for her, and that needs to be you. She trusts you. Speak with her, see what happens, see what she says.. and don't be afraid to cry in front of her - shows you care. Most importantly, don't take it out on yourself. You can give her a few ways to help her out.. one thing that will really help, is to tell her to draw (Yours or her favourite animal on where she selfs harms/may self harm) and tell her to put your name below it.. and that she needs to redraw it on everynight... because if you mean that much to her, that little bit, may just stop her. The main thing.. Support her, and do everything you can, okay? If she needs to have a chat, or you do, don't be afraid to kik me or bbm me - They're in the bio! - Jake

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Liked by: Janene

I Have only recently met some of my second cousins and weve become like really close and talk on facebook but i always get scared that when i meet them again,were like gonna be awkward and not talk to eachother that way.. how can i avoid this?

The best way to stop things from being awkward, is to not stop talking.. Sounds hard? Depends on how your personality is, and if you want you can think of some things to say beforehand, because it's only the starting off part thats the hardest.. remember they're family, so go sit next to them and give them a cuddle! :) - Jake
Liked by: Janene

(2) thank you for everything you did for her... Shed always say this page made her feel better I just can't thank you enough... In the end she did end up talking her life but you helped her so much... So yeah thank you and I know she would have wanted me to thank you as well xx

I'm glad that she is happy with the work we did with her, and that we made her happier whilst she was here.. and I am saddened to see someone take their own life, whoever they may be.. May she rest in peace <3 - Jake & The Team.
Liked by: Janene

If I were to work out and loose heaps of weight, would I become skinnier and stronger, or skinnier and weaker? just the one thing i'm scared and curious about before I start working out

You would build your muscles and turn that fat into muscle, so it would make you skinnier, and yeah, it would make you stronger too now I say that ahah! So long as you're working your muscles and you keep them in good shape! and remember not to push too hard or you'll risk injury! - Jake
Liked by: Janene

thanks heaps and yes i seen a doctor first and he would never listen to me bout seeing a doctor but finally he did n yeah we are both on medication for depression 'low moods'

Pleasure sweetie. I'm very glad, honestly :)
I hope I've helped x
Liked by: Janene

How do Girls pleasure themeves? Can a girl answer this...

Girls can pleasure themselves by having sex or masturbating.
Liked by: Janene

Do you support having internet friends?

I have quite a few internet friends. I do support it, but I think that you should always ring/skype or get in proper contact with them. Just in case they're someone who they're not.
Liked by: Janene

me and the guy I like are both 18 both with depression both tell each other everything and have for awhile and I've liked him for ever and he finally says he wants to make things work between us and but its just hard for him atm coz of stuff going on? what's your thoughts , honest thoughts ?

Hey sweetie.
Well there's two ways you can think about it, you can either;
•Get together and make each other happy thus helping each other through the dark times in depression.
•Wait until you both have sorted everything out, this way you can both concentrate on each other.
I personally think you should try to make each other happy. (Go with the first one)
But it's your choice after all, it is your life.
Have you seen a doctor a your depression? Maybe they can put you on anti-depressents or something to help?
Good luck honey x
Liked by: Janene

is it wrong that im fighting for my ex? i sent him along para saying ill be there for him and i want to help him, hes bipolar and took it out on me because his foster mum died, he broke up with me because of that, i gave him time alone:(

You did the right thing supporting him, I hope you're okay and just remember he's going through a very hard time at the moment! - Jake
Liked by: Janene

Do you know how it feels like to love someone so much but they feel like they are nothing?

I do know that indeed.. and the only way you can prove them otherwise is by showing them in person how much you mean to them! -Jake
Liked by: Janene

There's a guy I like but he already has a girlfriend. His girlfriend sucks I mean she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, she wears high heels, I wear sneakers.. Why can't he see that I'm the one who understands him and that he belongs with me?

You my friend, are brilliant.
Liked by: Janene Kayla Cameron

I hate break ups. They suck ass!! Have you ever had your heart ripped out of your body and then it got smashed and then back in your body? Ugh

Basically sums it up, but it's just how life is isn't it eh? - Jake
Liked by: Janene

my friend (who's a boy) and we're only friends nothing else just won't reply to me he's not answering his phone either but yesterday he was rly busy but he hasn't replied since 10 this morning n i just feel so crap, its my time of the month n yeah feel so crap and upset and hormonal and ugh...x

You should hang out with one of your girl friends and have a slumber party. Watch movies, eat ice cream gossip, etc. get your mind off the boy. Wait 24 hours with him and then try again.
Liked by: Jack

a person i know talked to this guy on kik for like a day (last year) and she sent a pic of her face(JUST THE FACE nothing inappropriate,lol).And she's been worrying that he might do something with the pics eventho it was only the face. Shld she be worried at all?its not good to see her like this,thx

If it was only for a day, then it wouldn't mean anything.. After a year, if the guy didnt message her again.. its obvious he isn't interested and he's moved on.. You need to tell her this, that if he was interested.. he woulda carried on talking to her.. but it sounds like that type of guy WAS probably more interested in just her face, and he didnt get it, so moved on? - Jake

What does it mean if someone say's they're someone I know "kinda well" like are they an acquaintance or a friend of a friend? I have a secret admirer on here that says they're someone I know kinda well but i have no clue & they refuse to tell me who they are? :c

I would use that, if I would count them as a friend, but not a close friend or someone who i would hang around with if that makes sense? But you would happily sit and talk to them, so yeah like an acquaintance, but just a bit more! - Jake

hey, I really admire you guys. you give people advice and sometimes you yourself go through more or less the same problems and it shows that you guys are truly willing to help others when their alone and scared and I admire that. xx mwahh

Thank you! We try our best! :) - Jake

I'm 17 turning 18 in 5 months and I've never had a boyfriend because no guy has ever asked me out or had an interest in me & the guys I like never like me back, whether it's cause of my race, personality, looks etc. :( i have 0 experience with guys. Is that weird or bad?

It just shows that when you do find the right guy, that this guy is really going to last and be a long relationship, as he will love you for EXACTLY who you are! :) - Jake

Im nervous for high school in september

Hey, what is there to be nervous about? Girls/boys? New school? Friends? Just remember there will be other people in the same position as you! :) - Jake


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