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I sometime get horny and I want to orgasm but I don't know how?

Masturbation? I dunno. Whatever floats your boat really (Owen)

I am 5.6 and weigh 12 stone, I am not a large build but I have e cup boobs. I'm a size 12 on my bottom and 12-14 on my top because of my boobs, I want to loose weight and believe me I have tried Ahah! Advice?

Have you tried just excersing? I mean, if you want your boobs to be smaller, apparently when you exercise and lose weight, it comes off your boobs?

I have dd boobs, I tell the boys in my school to look at my face and not boobs when talking to me. I don't think I'll ever get a boyfriend because all the boys treat me like 'one of the lads' not to be modest but I don't think I am unattractive.. My friends always say I flirt with boys when I don't!

Well good on ya! Boys need to learn manners. Also, you will, trust me. You'll find the perfect guy :) and as long as you know you're not flirting with boys, ignore her; you know what you're doing and she doesn't :) if she's making you upset with what she's saying. Tell her how you feel!
Hope I helped? :)

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I don't know if you remember me, but I asked you about liking my best friend who's also a girl. I didn't know how to tell her. Well I thought I'd let you know I told her today and she was amazing about it, she told me she felt the same, thank you, you really helped <3

No problem x

I'm so self-conscious about my weight...how do I stop this?xx

You shouldn't be, you're perfect the way you are, your insecurities are what make you beautiful (Owen)

Thank you very much for what you said about me (and our page) I'm touched :') aw thanks again x x x Kira x x x

I would of written more about you Kira but I have no idea what you're like! Sorry but I'm glad you liked it :) (Owen)
Liked by: AdviceOnLife4U

But I've been a shit friend and she told me I made her life a living hell:/

She'll still forgive you, trust me in arguments people will say stuff that they don't mean I do it a lot but an apology is always good but a paragraph works better too (Owen)

Owen I had a fallout with my bestfriend and she now hates me. We haven't spoke since but I've seen her tumblr. She's on the edge and really suicidal:/ I don't know what to do she wont speak to me

Best way to deal with this, (I've done a lot the time) write a big meaningful paragraph to that person basically saying sorry for whatever happened and to let her know how important she is to you. If she's your best friend then you should be able to write loads about her and she should also forgive you for whatever happened (Owen)

thank you so much Owen:) x

I don't need thanks, all I need is for you to listen and acknowledge what i say! :) (Owen)

How do I choose?x

Follow your heart, i can't tell you who to choose it's entirely your decision but I will say to choose the one who will treat you the best (Owen)

Um is it bad that I like 3 guys at once?x

No, it's not bad, you're just gonna have difficulty choosing between them (Owen)

I think I'm in love with one of my best guy mates how can I let him know I like him without actually telling him? :)

Okay, telling him is a lot easier but i guess if you don't want to tell him then, flirt with him a lot, talk to him constantly or be clingy to him (Cuddles, kisses, holding hands) (Owen)

i know the other girls have already said it, but what you wrote about our page put a big smile on my face aw. thank you lovely, your page is amazing<3 - Sally x

Thanks to you, your group inspired our group! :) (Owen)


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